Chapter 26- Birds of a Feather

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"Ah. Resurrection." Glossaryk spoke. "Who were you planning on bringing back? A Cousin? Grandparent?" Glossaryk stopped for a second to think. "...childhood pet hamster?" The man stood back, sneering at the magical being.

"Don't play smart with me. You will give us the spell or else-." The man told him, pointing at him.

"Or else there will be consequences. Do you really expect me to be surprised?" Glossaryk replied, rolling his eyes. "I've heard the typical evildoer negotiation in all my hundreds of years of lifetime so far. I usually hear a name too but I lack that information. Therefore, I will call you Mr. Lack-there-of, the man who lacks in detail." Glossaryk told him, smirking.

"Quiet!" Mr. Lack-there-of yelled. Glossaryk put his hands up against his ears.

"Well, there's no need to shout. I can hear you just fine. This box isn't soundproof." Glossaryk said in a snarky tone.

"May I continue?" Mr. Lack-there-of asked irritatingly. Glossaryk sighed.

"If you must." Glossaryk responded, leaning against a side of the box, wanting this all to be over. Mr. Lack-there-of cleared his throat.

"If you've heard these types of 'evil negotiations' before, then you must have been told or read of a spell to raise the dead in your 'hundreds of years of lifetime' as well, I presume." Mr. Lack-there-of replied before snapping his fingers. "I may have a little something that might help you remember it." Another gentleman came from outside the shadows, holding something very familiar in his hands.

A shoulder bag...

Skyywnne's shoulder bag full of ideal spells...

The man handed it to his leader before stepping back in the shadows once again. Glossaryk scowled at him.

"I suppose you've taken out what is in that bag." Glossaryk guessed.

"No. In fact, all the contents are still in its place. However, you can cause a lot of collateral damage with what's in this bag. It would be a shame if we kept it and used it for ourselves." Mr. Lack-there-of told him.

"You would, yes; if you had magic, which you do not, Mr. know what? Can I just call you Lacky?" Glossaryk asked. He crossed his legs in a pretzel fold before closing his eyes, placing both hands on both knees as if he was about to meditate. "I would say the full name but I don't have the work ethic right now to do that." Lacky looked at Glossaryk in anger.

"How do people deal with you..." Lacky asked. Glossaryk opened his eyes.

"Delicately." Glossaryk responded.

"Also, what makes you think we do not have magic?" Lacky asked.

"Because you don't." Glossaryk responded.

"How do you know?" Lacky asked.

"Why do you think I would tell you?" Glossaryk asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because if you don't, you'll regret it." Lacky replied.

"You sure about that?" Glossaryk asked, mocking the man's words. Lacky grumbled in annoyance.

"Look. You have two options. You tell us the spell to raise the dead or..." Lacky brought his face closer to the glass again. "We use the spells once we have the magic in our possession."

"So you don't have the magic?" Glossaryk smirked. Lacky's mouth gaped before he face-palmed. "Why couldn't you just tell me?" He asked sarcastically.

"...are you always this aggravating?" Lacky asked.

"That is up to you. Am I aggravating?" Glossaryk asked. "Or am I just clever?" He smirked again.

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