Chapter 25- Sharing is Caring

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Star and the gang explained everything that they've been told about Mina and the men who are in leagues with her. Moon and Eclipsa felt a sense of fear within them. Mina was extremely powerful the last time she tried to take over Mewni. There was no telling what she could be capable of now with these strange men by her side, especially not knowing who these men were. Moon made sure to pay close attention, considering what Mina attempted back on Mewni.

"So Mina, according to Manfred, is working with these mysterious men so that they can enact revenge on Skywynne after a gravity spell took their ancestors away from Earthni?" Moon asked, just to clarify.

"Yup." Star responded.

"And you believe she is out to possibly steal the magic you now possess within you?" Eclipsa added, pointing to Star.

"Yeah. And that's not all of it. There's more of the magic back in the house." Marco said. Moon let out a sigh, feeling a bit of distress from the thought of Mina's crazy schemes again.

"What do you plan on doing with it?" Moon asked.

"Well, keeping it away from Mina for one thing, obviously." Star said.

"I have a little tidbit of a question. Have you know...distributing to the magic?" Eclipsa asked.

"Yup. Skywynne needs it to go back to her time so...yeah." Star said, gesturing her hand to Skywynne. Skywynne shyly smiled and waved.

"Well, yes but what we mean some of that magic to us." Eclipsa asked.

"Huh?" Star spoke.

"Listen to me, Star. Mina is powerful, with or without magic. There is no way you can stand against her alone, nor will I let you do this alone. You could use our help." Moon told Star.

"She's right, Star. Giving us the magic gives us a greater chance of defeating Mina and preventing her from enacting her plans." Eclipsa told her. Star looked away, contemplating what they were telling her. Star was already comfortable with only Marco and herself possessing magic. Did she really want to give it to anyone else? She knew she had to give Skywynne magic. If she didn't have magic when she goes back to her own time, that would change everything in the time stream. Plus, what if she needed the magic to get back to her own time, to begin with?

Could Star trust anyone else with magic though? Eclipsa? Yeah, she was pretty trustworthy with the magic in Star's opinion. She's saved Star a number of times. Her mother though? Star was very reluctant on giving any magic to her. The reason she destroyed it in the first place was that she wasn't able to trust others with it, especially after what her mother did by giving it to Mina and her devoted followers. Did Star really want to give the one person who went behind her daughter's back, forcing Eclipsa to step down and help Mina enact her plan of taking over her home, the power of magic? Star felt as if the only two people she could ever trust with magic were herself and Marco. She had no choice but to trust Skywynne. The question now remains.

Will she give them or anyone else the magic?

"" Star said flat out.

"I beg your pardon?" Moon spoke.

"No one else is getting any of the magic." Star replied.

"Uh...Star?" Marco said.

"I think you're making a mista-" Eclipsa started before Star held a hand up, silencing her.

" decision is final." Star proclaimed. She took a breath, about to speak before letting it out in frustration. "Excuse me." Star added, walking past Eclipsa and her mother and into the Diaz house. Everyone watched as she walked away.

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