Chapter 14- Truth Be Told

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Star and Marco sat in their chairs, completely silent and as stiff as wooden boards. If they said anything about what they did, they could suffer consequences. They both felt their hearts beat at a thousand miles per hour. Star and Marco weren't prepared for this. They thought all they would have to do is prove that monsters aren't evil and bloodthirsty and all would be peachy-keen. Now, they were the ones on the line. Ms. Lily could tell they needed a minute.

"I'll...give you both some time alone." She told them as she stood up. "When you're ready for me to come back in, just knock on the door. I'll be outside." Ms. Lily walked out of the cargo space, leaving Star and Marco some privacy to talk things over. They had trouble saying much of anything, being that they were in complete shock and daze.

"I'll give you and Marco some space as well. Don't you worry. I'll be mediating to some ocean waves." Glossaryk told Star, who didn't even react. Suddenly, she heard the sound of the ocean racing in her head. "Hear it, Star? Ocean. Soothing, isn't it?" Star didn't respond, giving Glossaryk the hint that he should be silent, clearing his throat. "You both talk amongst yourselves." Glossaryk told her. The ocean wave sounds stopped. For once, Star thought Glossaryk was doing something right. Marco and Star still sat in their seats, staring into space, trying to process their thoughts.

"So..." Marco started. "Do we-" Marco started before suddenly hearing sniffling. Marco turned his head to Star, seeing her eyes begin to water, looking absolutely terrified. "Star? What's wrong?" He asked her. Star started balling. Tears began running down her face.

"We did this, Marco. We're the reason that...this whole thing is happening." Star said as she wiped her nose.

"Wait, what?" Marco spoke.

"Marco, please keep up! The reason the monsters are in danger is because of us...because of what we did. We created that portal and we merged our worlds together. We are the ones that are guilty." Star replied with a shaky voice.

"Star...guilty or not, I would never take back anything that happened, even if it meant putting the monsters in danger." Marco told her. Star looked into Marco's eyes, astounded at what she heard.

"Wha...but...Marco! How could you say something like tha-" Star exclaimed. Marco lifted a hand up to silence her.

"Let me finish. You know why I would never take it back?" Marco asked her. He didn't expect her to answer. Instead, he took her hands in his, locking his fingers within hers. "Because...well...I love you. I was willing to never see my family, friends...and home ever again...just so we could be together." Marco got a little choked up. Star's face lit up. She had never seen Marco talk like this about her.

"I'll never take back what we did. I mean, something...amazing came out of it for me...and that's you." Marco said as he let go of one of her hands and cupped her cheek. She rubbed her face into his palm, enjoying his touch. Star didn't really take time to think about how much they both didn't want to be separated. They were willing to abandon their world and everything they knew and loved so they could be with one another again. Not just that, but they didn't even think about what they were doing. She and Marco just...did it impulsively. Star thought she knew that Marco was everything to her and that she was everything to him. It wasn't until now that she realized that she was wrong.

They were even more than everything to each other. If they didn't have one another, life wouldn't make sense anymore. Their love was so deep and genuine that it made Star realize she's finally found something she's been searching for quite some time; true love. It was staring at her right in the face for more than a year now. How could they have been so blind? Star sniffled once more, thinking so long and deep about it.

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