Chapter 37- Destiny

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The peoples of Earthni were terrified as they witnessed the towering creature before them. They all pointed and screamed in fright, running all over creation as panic ensued. Citizens rushed out of their houses to avoid being stomped on and hurt. As Star and the team witnessed the chaos, Star flew over to Eclipsa and Moon.

"It's bigger than the Solarian warriors ever were." Eclipsa spoke as she stared at the titan, feeling a bit of fear in her gut.

"Hey!" Star spoke, bringing Eclipsa's attention to Star. "We need to focus. I need you and mom to get everyone out of here." Star told them as she pointed down to the panicked citizens below.

"Of course. Moon? With me!" Eclipsa replied. Eclipsa and Moon flew to the chaotic crowds, trying their best to help clear the area and prevent any future threats.

"Attention everyone! All of you must head for safety near the outskirts of the city!" Eclipsa called.

"Don't panic! Just keep moving!" Moon added as she and Eclipsa guided people away from the shadow titan. Tom and Janna helped on the ground to move people away.

"This way guys!" Tom said as he gestured for people to keep moving forward.

"Keep going!" Janna added. Astroida watched as the Earthnians fled in fear and alarm,

delighted in what she had caused..

"Hm...and I thought deleting gravity would've been a better way to go. This is much more satisfying." She snickered before moving her leg, causing the shadow titan to move its legs also. Every move she made, the titan would follow. Star and Skywynne watched the shadow titan maneuver around, making it's way over to a city building. Office workers ran out of it before Astroida used the titan to punch a hole into the building, destroying it before it collapsed, turning into rubble like Butterfly Castle did.

"Come ooooon! Does she ever just give up!?" Star groaned in frustration.

"I'm afraid giving up isn't in her vocabulary." Skywynne told her before they both flew over to Astroida and the titan.

"Astroida?! You need to stop this!" Star shouted. Astroida turned the shadow titan's head.

"Well, you need to give up!" Astroida said before swinging the titan's left arm at Star and Skywynne. The two of them flew out of the way, barely missing its hard-hitting blow.

"I don't think there's any way to change her mind at this point, Star." Skywynne said.

"Well, I'm up for suggestions." Star told her as the shadow titan took it's foot and crushed a few cars parked next to the sidewalk. Skywynne began thinking through what has occurred since this battle began. She tried thinking of weaknesses and ways to slow her down. It wasn't long before Skywynne realized something.

"Wait...her wand." Skywynne spoke.

"What?" Star sounded.

"Her wand! Did you notice that when your mother shot the wand out of her hand, she ran over to get it? She wouldn't have done that if she could use magic like us!" Skywynne told her. "It's strange though. She's dipped down in the past while she was still living on Mewni so I don't understand why she can't now." Skywynne added.

"Hmm...did the spell to bring her back mess with her magical abilities?" Star wondered.

"Or did it cause a complete magical reset to the point where the wand is the only way she can use magic!" Skywynne concurred as Astroida used the shadow titan to kick another building over.

"So that means...if we get the wand..." Star spoke.

"Then we win!" Skywynne finished in excitement, relieved that they were able to come up with a plan.

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