Chapter 5- Code Name: Pigeon

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"So, how do we find her? The world's changed so much. We don't know where anything is at this point." Marco asked, wondering how finding Ponyhead could even be possible. Star thought for a minute before looking up at Eclipsa and Marco.

"We're going to need some help." Star told him.

"Okay, so...who were you thinking of asking?" Marco asked.

"I can help." Janna said to them, suddenly appearing through the doorway with a backpack on her back. Everyone jumped.

"AH!" Everyone shouted.

"Janna, when did you-" Marco started. He then suddenly remembered that there might be a chip implanted in him somewhere. "Okay, where's the chip!? Where. Is. THE CHIP?!"

"Do you really want to know the answer to that question?" Janna asked him. Marco's eyes grew wide. "Anyway, I had a feeling that you'd need my help later on today so...I decided to stick around the area." Janna noticed Eclipsa sitting in the armchair next to Star and Marco. "What's up Eclipsa?" She said, nudging her head up.

"Um...hey." Eclipsa replied, waving very slightly.

"Wait, how'd you open the door?" Marco asked. Janna took a set of keys out of her pocket. Marco shed a straight face.

"Right." Marco said. "Why do I even ask?" He shrugged. Star grabbed his face, turning it to look at her.

"Marco. Focus." She said as she let go of his head. "Now, Janna Banana, Ponyhead's missing. We need your help to find her." Star explained to her.

"No problem." Janna said as she took her backpack off her back and got out her laptop. She brought it to the kitchen, placing her backpack on the floor and putting the laptop on the counter. Star, Marco, and Eclipsa followed her. Janna opened her laptop, revealing that picture of Marco in his boxers again.

"Marco, that you?" Eclipsa chuckled. Marco simply just took his hood, put it over his head, and hid his face. Janna brought up the internet on her laptop. They all watched the screen as she typed into the search bar.

"Whaaat are you doing?" Star asked as Marco lifted his hood off his head.

"Looking at social media. If there's a flying Ponyhead out in a world full of humans, people are going to be talking about it." Janna explained.

"You know, I'm surprised that she doesn't have a social media accou-" Marco began to say before being interrupted by a video.

"Yo, what is up my adoring beautiful fans!" Ponyhead exclaimed on a video recording, in front of the cell phone store. Everyone's mouth gaped. Marco faceplanted on the countertop.

"You've got to be kidding me." Marco mumbled.

"Well, I mean, you're not all as pretty as me but I try to be kind and humble and selfless, you know? I just got an earth cell phone because everyone else has one and I didn't have one so yeah...I bought one. The only thing I wished is that they LOWERED THE PRICE A BIT!" Ponyhead yelled behind her. Everyone stared at her from afar. "A good friend had $650 and I'm sure he wouldn't have minded that I borrow it so thank goodness I had it." Marco gasped, checking his pockets. No wonder his pockets were slightly empty.

"Wait, too, Ponyhead?!" Marco said, flailing his arms around like an angry octopus.

"Dude, sharing is caring." Janna added.

"That is not sharing! That's stea-" Marco exclaimed before Star put her hand over his mouth.

"Shhhhhh...listen." Star told him quietly. They continued to watch the video.

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