Chapter 33- Army of Shadows

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The sun was beginning to set. Astroida stood by a tall window, staring down at the citizens below. Her newly transformed castle made her feel empowered and strong. She now felt that she sent a message to the world; a message that she was not one to be messed with.

"Hmm...I wonder if I should've gone with a shade of crimson." Astroida spoke as she observed her new place of conquest. Suddenly, a loud rumble came from the streets. Astroida looked out ahead, seeing a fleet of trucks and vans driving towards the castle. "Oh, look. The cavalry's here." She said sarcastically.

The military had arrived. They weren't going to let this mysterious transformation go without investigation. This new world, to the humans, was mysterious. Sure; they now knew that the monsters meant no harm. However, they had never seen anything like magic before. As the vehicles parked, men and women came out of them, on guard, and prepared for anything that might attack or come at them. A van parked in the very front of the group. Ms. Lily came out of it, stepping forward as the leader. General Dinkleberry came beside her.

"Alright. What are we looking at here?" Ms. Lily asked.

"A castle completely transformed in the blink of an eye. There may be a culprit inside." General Dinkleberry told her.

"Culprit? I'm sorry but there's been no wrongdoing. We just need to make sure that whatever happened is safe to the peoples of Earthni." Ms. Lily responded before taking out a pair of binoculars, observing the castle, seeing a woman standing at a window high above as she squinted her eyes. She held her hand out. "Megaphone." She spoke. She brought the megaphone up to her mouth.

"Will whoever is in this castle please come down. We mean no harm. We only want to talk. " Ms. Lily told Astroida, who was staring at Ms. Lily up behind the castle window. She let out a chuckle.

"How quaint. She thinks she can convince me to come down and let her overpower me." Astroida said to herself. "Maybe I haven't shown enough of my supremacy." Astroida looked up at the sky before walking away from the window. Ms. Lily watched as Astroida disappeared from view.

"Well...that didn't work." Ms. Lily said to herself. She brought the megaphone up to her mouth again. "If you do not comply with our requests, we will have to come in there by force." She added.

Astroida looked around the room, observing some shadows scattered across the room by the setting sun. She then held her wand high in the air, about to conjure up another one of her spells.

Shadows surrounding every corner

Heed to my one solemn order.

The shadows from around the room started to move, like mist or fog, coming closer to Astroida.

I summon you to serve and hear my command.

Protect your ruler, I so rightfully demand.

The shadows scattered, making their way into multiple suits of armor standing around the room. The clouds of darkness began to form a body within the suits, transforming into Astroida's faithful knights. They began to walk towards their summoner, making a spine-chilling wheezing noise as they came closer. They stopped, standing at attention, waiting for their command.

"Take to the ground, my shadow sentinels. Don't let anyone get into the castle." Astroida told them.

"Yeeessss my queeeeen." The shadow sentinels breathed in a disturbing manner, turning their bodies to the exit of the throne room, making their way down to the entrance.

"Men!" Astroida yelled before her 15 loyal men entered the room, answering her call. "You're with me. Stay within the castle. If anyone breaches the walls..." Astroida continued. "...take them down."

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