Chapter 15- Confession Time

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Star was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Of course, it had to rain. Why in the world did it have to rain now out of all times?! Nevertheless, there was no turning back now. Her mom sees them. Tom and Janna see them. The secret's officially out. Star had to tell them, whether the response will be bad or not. She gently sat up off of Marco's lap, wincing a little from the taser burn on her side.

"Uhhhh..." Star didn't know what to say. She was on the spot. Suddenly, the rain started to slow down. Then, it stopped. It must have been a scattered shower or something. "Seriously?! It couldn't have rained at any other time?!" Star yelled at the sky. She suddenly froze and glanced at her mother, who looked as if she wasn't having any more of her shenanigans at this point. She decided to treat this delicately. Who knows what was spiraling through her mother's mind right now. "You're probably wondering about the hearts on my cheeks. It's a long story, really." Star told them.

"Stop." Moon said, holding her hand out to make her stop talking. Star held her breath, not looking forward to hearing what else was about to come out of her mom's mouth. "Come with me." Moon said, turning around and walking back towards the temple.

"Uh...okay. I just need a second to-" Star started as she began to try to stand up.

"Not you, Star." Moon stopped her, turning her head slightly as she kept her back turned. "Marco? Follow me, please." She said, making Marco jump.

"Wait, What?" Marco spoke. Why did Moon want to talk to him? Star was the one with the hearts on her cheeks. Why Marco out of all people? Marco glanced at Star with a worried look on his face. Star shrugged in response. "Um...okay." Marco responded nervously before standing up, following Moon into the temple. Star watched as they walked away through the crowds of humans and monsters, feeling a little bit confused. Tom and Janna felt the same.

"O...kayyy...why does she want to talk to Marco exactly?" Tom asked.

"I uh...don't know." Star replied.

Marco followed Moon walked through the hallways, now close to empty, until they reached a room of the temple to talk. Moon opened the door, revealing an office. In it was a stone-carved desk topped with stacks of papers some books, and a few writing utensils. Against the wall were a few bookshelves stacked with novels, biographies, and journals. A window stood on the wall right behind the desk, shining a smidgen of sunlight into the room. Moon walked into the room with Marco behind her.

"Come in, Marco." Moon told him.

"Alright." Marco anxiously answered. "Hey, um...I know this looks really bad with you know...Star having her hearts back and all but...I promise I had nothing to-" Marco started, trying to understand what the point of all of this was.

"Please sit down." Moon told him. Marco could tell she was serious about this. He decided it may be best that he doesn't say anything he'll regret later. He decided to stay silent until Moon asked anything of him. Marco hesitantly walked over to the wooden chair in front of the desk, sitting on it. A humongous loud squeak came from it as he sat, so loud that it made things even more uncomfortable. He still decided to stay quiet out of fear.

As Star, Tom, and Janna waited outside, Star explained the whole reason her hearts have returned.

"So...that's when I woke up and saw that my hearts were back." Star told Tom and Janna. The two of them stared blankly at her, astonished. Star didn't like the fact that they were silent. "Alright guys, you're not making me feel any better with the awkward silence here." She added.

"Sorry it's just...we're a little shocked here." Tom explained.

"Now, wait. Glossaryk is living in your mind? Cool. Now you have a conscience." Janna told Star.

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