Chapter 4- Sugar Seeds

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It was around 2 AM. Star and Marco were sleeping soundly in their beds. Crickets were chirping and there were some dragon cycles that could be heard in the distance which was a very...very weird combination of sounds to hear at once. Did either of them care? Nope. They were just happy to be in the same house together like old times. Peace and quiet were just what they needed after a day like they had.

Suddenly, Star started to toss and turn a bit. Over and over, she shifted like she was absolutely uncomfortable. She began to moan and groan. The moaning then turned to yelling. Marco woke up, hearing her cries. He sat up immediately, sitting on his bed.

"Huh, what? Marco turned his head, seeing Star shift constantly. He got up and sat on his bed, right next to Star. "Star? Star!" Marco said, trying to gently wake her up without scaring her. Star wasn't coming out of it. She was having a massive nightmare. It was making Marco panic. He did not like seeing Star like this. This wasn't like her.

" no no noooooooo!" Star exclaimed in her sleep. She kept on shaking and moving as if someone was attacking her in her dream. Marco kept trying to wake her up, knowing that whatever she was dreaming about was terrifying her.

"Please, Star! Wake up!" Marco exclaimed before Star shot up, yelping.

"Ah!" Star yelled. She sat there, out of breath. Marco noticed her face, wide-eyed like she just witnessed a murder. Marco tried her best to calm her down in the most gentle way possible.

"...Star? Look, it's me. I'm here." Marco told her, taking his hand and turning her head so she could see him. He moved some hair away from her face, seeing her watery eyes.

"M...Marco?" Star said, trembling at her words.

"Hey, it's okay." Marco said, taking his arm and gently pulling her closer, embracing her tight so she knew she was in a safe place. Star gladly took him and hugged him back. Tears began to run down her face as she began to cry. Marco held her even tighter, kissing the top of her head to help her relax. They sat there on the bed for a while, holding each other close. Marco was so glad he was able to wake her up. He'd never seen Star in such distress before. Frankly, it terrified him.

"You, want to talk about it?" Marco asked her. Star sniffled and wiped her nose with her arm.

"Um...I..." Star couldn't even talk. She was in too much distress. She took a deep breath in and out and tried to explain it again. "I was back on Mewni but like, Mewni before it combined with Earth Mewni...when the war with Mina was happening. There was destruction everywhere and the whole kingdom was on fire and...everyone was screaming and running away." Star told him. Marco understood how much the battle affected her. A lot happened during that time and it scarred her, especially after she destroyed the magic. "Then, I was at the Realm of Magic was falling apart. Then, I saw y-...then..."She started shaking. Marco could tell this is where the nightmare got really ugly. Star suddenly grabbed even more tightly to him.

"I was there...wasn't I?" Marco asked. Star didn't speak, she just grabbed him tighter. She didn't have to say anything for Marco to know that the answer was yes. Something must have happened to him in the dream. He wished he could know, but now was not the time to ask.

"I'm..." Star sniffled, trying to control her breathing again. "I'm so happy you're here with me." She told him. Marco rested his head on hers, helping her understand that he's absolutely fine.

"Hey, hey...I'm not going anywhere, okay? You're pretty much stuck with me." Marco told her with a smirk, trying to make her smile a bit. Star let out a slight chuckle. Marco was happy to see that look on her face. Being in Marco's arms made Star feel much better. She started to relax and her breathing began to normalize.

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