Chapter 22- Good Luck Charm

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Skywynne explained everything to Star alone. She'd rather tell Star first than telling everyone at once. Skywynne didn't know how they would take it. Since she knew that Star was pretty understanding of her, she was more comfortable admitting all of this to her. Once they finished their conversation, they decided on what to do from here on out.

" have to tell everyone else." Star told her. Skywynne lacked confidence at the moment. She wasn't feeling up to telling anyone in any way, shape or form. Negative thoughts raced in her mind.

"But...they'll hate me after they hear what has happened...and what I did." Skywynne said, feeling hopeless. Star felt incredibly bad for her. She tried to give her comfort in her time of sadness.

"No. They won't. I've made mistakes. Marco's made mistakes. Tom's made mistakes. We've all made mistakes. Besides, you never meant for any of this to happen." Star told her. Skywynne looked down and took a second to think before looking back at her.

"...I'd rather...not say anything until tomorrow. I'm not ready to tell your friends yet." Skywynne said.

"That's fine. We were actually planning on hanging at Janna's tomorrow. You can tell us there." Star told her as she put a hand on Skywnne's shoulder.

"I don't know. I...need time to decide if I want to or not. I might actually stay here tomorrow if that is alright. I realize that I need to tell them because of Mina and for the protection of your world but...fear is taking over me at the moment." Skywynne told her as she looked to her side.

"I promise not to say anything to them." Star told her. Skywynne continued feeling hopeless. "Skywynne?" Star called. Skywynne turned her eyes to her. "We...are going to get through this...together." She added before Skywynne shed a smile.

"Thank you." Skywynne replied.

Star came back downstairs. Everyone stood up, watching her walk down the steps.

"How's Skywynne?" Marco asked.

"She's okay. She just needs some time to herself." Star said.

"Okay. So, what did she tell you?" Tom asked.

"I uh...can't tell you...just yet." Star said as she looked away from her friends. Everyone gasped.

"What? But...why?" Janna asked. Star sighed as she walked closer to her friends.

"She said she would tell us when she's ready. She'll explain everything to you guys. Don't worry." Star said. "Plus...I made a promise that I wouldn't say anything. She just needs some space right now."

"Well...okay. I mean, like, if it was that bad..." Ponyhead started.

"We can wait, Star." Marco said.

Tom, Janna, and Ponyhead left Marco's house around 9:30 PM. Star and Marco were in their bathroom, getting ready for bed. Star was brushing her hair while Marco was brushing his teeth.

"So..." Marco said, muffled with toothpaste in his mouth. " Skywynne okay, at least?" Marco asked before he spat out the toothpaste from his mouth.

"Yeah. She's fine." Star replied. Star and Marco grew silent as they continued getting ready for bed. Marco put down his toothbrush.

" can't tell me anything?" Marco asked. Star stopped brushing her hair.

"Marco! You said you were okay with waiting!" Star spoke.

"I know. It's just...we never keep secrets from each other." Marco said. "It's just...weird...I guess." Star glanced at Marco's hand on the counter. She took her hand and placed it on top of his.

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