Chapter 2- The Ponyhead Movie

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Star, Marco, and Janna made their way to the dojo, taking in all the sights that their new world had to offer. Thankfully it was nearby so they didn't have too long of a walk to take to get there. It was a bit surreal. Seeing castles next to skyscrapers was something entirely new. Plus, the smells; the scent of pizza, tacos...and pig goat manure are not something that goes together.

Although the three of them were getting used to it all just fine, the humans around them were not taking it so well. Many of them were all running around in a panic. Many looked terrified because monsters were now roaming the streets. If only they understood that monsters are actually very nice. They haven't calmed down even a bit since Mewni and Earth collided. Star fell behind the group with a frown upon her face. Marco took notice of it and walked over to her right away.

"Star?" Marco said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Star turned her head to look at him.

"Oh, I'm fine...I mean...just seeing everyone scared of monsters's just-" Star sighed. Marco knew how hard Star worked to get mewmans and monsters to get along back on Mewni. He could only imagine how frustrating it was for her to see it happen all over again.

"Hey, we fixed this before. I'm sure we can fix it again." Marco looked down at Star's hand. "We'll do it together just like we did before." Marco said as he took her hand. She smiled back at him.

"Thanks, Marco." Star replied as she rested her head on Marco's shoulder.

"So...why do we need to find Ponyhead so badly?" Marco asked.

"A living, floating, disembodied Ponyhead in a world with a ton of human beings who have never seen a monster before except for fake ones on TV? Think about it." Star said, trying to make a point.

"Right..." Marco replied.

"And if Ponyhead is at the maybe everyone else is there too; Mom, Dad, Eclipsa, Tom. It might be a lot easier to find everyone than we think." Star said, optimistic.

"Yeah...except for my family. They were nowhere near the Monster Temple" Marco replied with a slight frown. Star saw the worry in Marco's eyes.

"Hey, we'll find them. I promise." Star told him. Marco nodded, smiling back. He kissed Star's head softly, making her blush. She kissed Marco back on his cheek as well. Marco blushed even more than Star did. It made him giggle a little too.

"So um...I have a question." Marco said to Star.

"Yeeessss?" Star said, curious.

"Have I ever introduced you to Italian food before?" Marco asked her. Star had to take a second to think.

"Italian? Uhhhhhh nope. Why?" Star wondered.

"Oh, reason." Marco replied before looking away, trying to act nonchalant. Star wondered what the heck that was about. She then got distracted by the sunlight hitting Marco's face. Marco turned his head, seeing Star mesmerized by him.

"Star?" Marco said.

"Hehehe...your face." Star replied as she zoned out. Marco raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What? Do I have something on my face?!" Marco said, starting to panic. Star tried to calm him down by wrapping her arms around his.

"Don't worry about it. You're fine." Star said, resting her head on Marco's shoulder. Marco was confused. Was he fine? No matter. He liked how Star was holding his arm. It made him feel content. Marco reciprocated and placed his head on top of Star's. Janna turned slightly to look behind her as she walked ahead of them, smiling at the sight of them cuddling as they walked along.

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