Chapter 30- Lifeline

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"Marco! Have you seen my belt?" Star asked as she scrambled around Marco's room, searching for it. Immediately after they figured out how to put a spell on the prank magic, they decided to get ready to rescue Skywynne. They refused to wait until morning to save her.

"Your what?" Marco asked as he lounged on his bed, browsing through the internet on his laptop.

"My belt! To this dress!" Star said as she pointed to the dress she was wearing; the green dress Eclipsa gave her.

"Don't know. Haven't seen it lately." Marco shrugged. Star groaned.

"Well, I'm going to find it one way or another." Star said while opening one of the drawers from the dresser, throwing shirt after shirt out of it. Marco gasped, taking his laptop off his lap as he got up from his bed.

"Star!" Marco called. "You're-" He was interrupted by a sudden shirt hitting his face. "You're ruining my system!" He exclaimed.

"System?" Star repeated. Marco walked over to the dressers, opening another drawer filled with neatly folded shirts.

"I organize all my clothes by color, season, and fabric." Marco said as he gestured his hands like he was revealing a prize on a game show. Star raised an eyebrow.

"Sooooooo you separate cotton from polyester?" Star asked.

"Mmm-hmm." Marco hummed proudly.

"...huh. I just organize by...wait, wait, hold on, no I don't!" Star said before chuckling. Marco started putting the shirts back in the other drawer, folding them up nicely before placing them in it.

"Seriously, Star. Why do you need this belt so bad?" Marco asked.

"Marco...look at me." Star said. Marco turned his head and observed her before shrugging.

"...yeah...I'm looking at you." Marco replied before looking back at his dresser, continuing to organize his clothes. Star face-palmed.

"The ensemble's not complete. It needs an accessory or else it just looks-" Star turned to the mirror on the other side of the wall, making a grimacing face. "" She continued. Marco shook his head in amusement.

"See, Star, my accessory." Marco spoke as he tugged the collars of his hoodie. "It works with everything, not to mention it's comfortable, breathable, and easy to wash." He said proudly as he posed with it, turning around to show the back of his hoodie.

"You seriously can't part with that thing, can you?" Star asked. Marco turned back around, facing Star.

"Seriously, you know how hard it is to go to a formal event without my hoodie? I feel" Marco asked. Star chuckled before continuing her search for her belt while Marco went back to organizing his clothes. Janna suddenly came upstairs.

"Hey." Janna spoke.

"Oh, hey." Marco said before realizing something. "Waiiit a minute. You know I have rules about you going in my room!"

"Marco? Just let her in." Star told him.

"Yeah. Like...harsh, man." Janna said, acting offended. Marco groaned.

"Fiiiine." Marco replied before gesturing his hand, signaling for her to come in. Janna walked in through the doorway.

"So, I think I got something that might come in handy for our little mission here." Janna said.

"Liiiiiike?" Star asked. Janna reached behind her back, revealing Star's narwhal belt in her hands. Star gasped.

"Janna!" Star yelled.

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