Chapter 32- Mudsister

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The magic stopped flowing out of the jar on the ground, revealing Astroida in a ghost-like state with her eyes closed. She glowed bright orange as she floated in the air. Her teardrop necklace hung on her neck, keeping her alive. Astroida's eyes suddenly opened, glowing brightly.

"It feels lovely to live again once more." Astroida spoke, lowering her head to those in front of her. "You have done well, my loyal followers. You shall soon be rewarded." Mina stepped forward, being the one to speak for the men.

"Queen Astroida! We have brought you back from your sleep to put the mewmans and monsters in their rightful place and to restore what is rightfully yours!" Mina proclaimed.

"I see." Astroida replied as she looked around. "As wonderful as that sounds, do you really expect me to do that while I am in this form?" She asked.

"Not at all, your majesty! We have acquired what you need to bring you back to full mewman form!" Mina said before snapping her fingers. One of the men came over and handed her a piece of paper. Mina held it out in front of her to give to Astroida. Astroida gave her a raised eyebrow.

"Have you forgotten that spirits cannot hold objects?" Astroida asked.

"My apologies!" Mina said before changing her grip of the piece of paper so the words are facing Astroida. Astroida read it carefully.

"Hmm...I will have to change some of the wording though but...mmm-hmm. This will do." Astroida said before closing her eyes, stretching her arms out wide.

Awaken my soul from spirit to form.

Arise from death and begin to transform.

Suddenly, teardrop cheekmarks appeared, glowing brightly on her see-through cheeks.

Feel the beat in my heart restore.

Revive to what I was once before.

Astroida's body began to glow brightly as an illustrious light appeared, making her hidden from view. Mina and the men shielded their eyes from the brightness. Astroida came out of the light, stepping onto the ground as she appeared to have changed into full mewman form. Her ghost-like state was no more. She stretched her arms out a bit, taking in the fact that she was now back to a normal state.

"Well, now that I'm back, it's time to enact my revenge against those mewman betrayers." Astroida said with anger as she formed fists with her hands.

"Yes! Finally! Let's get those monster smoochers!" Mina exclaimed with confidence as one of the men handed Astroida the wand. The wand changed as soon as she held it, transforming into colors of black and deep blue. The wings on the wand resembled those of a crow or raven. A deep purple midnight flame stone in the shape of a diamond sat in the very middle of the console.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was that?" Astroida asked.

"The mewmans! The ones who betrayed you and favored Skywynne instead of you! Let's get 'em!" Mina said with her hands in fists, ready for action.

"Oh, Mina. Dear Mina Loveberry. It's...precious...that you want to help us with our master plan but I'm afraid..." Astroida spoke as she came closer to Mina's face.

"'re no longer needed." Astroida told her.

"What?" Mina spoke as Astroida walked past her, sighing.

"Of course. You're all brawn with no brain." Astroida said as she rubbed her forehead.

"Excuse me?!" Mina exclaimed, feeling offended at Astroida's remark.

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