Chapter 3- Pasta A La Starco

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Star, Marco, Ponyhead, Janna, and Moon began to walk over to Star's room. Star couldn't wait to get settled in once again, especially knowing that Marco's house was right next door. They were basically neighbors now. Marco suddenly heard some screaming coming from outside. He went over to a cutout in the stone wall nearby to look at the town below, taking notice as to how the humans were acting; afraid. Anytime a monster went near them, they would either hide or fight back. They were doing this to anyone that didn't look like them. This made Marco concerned. Star noticed and came right over to him.

"What'cha looking at?" Star said before looking down at the town, seeing exactly what was worrying Marco. "Oh..."

"Are you sure...we should let Ponyhead go out there?" Marco asked.

"Wait, what?" Star didn't quite understand.

"Just...think about it. Humans are having a bad reaction to monsters right now. Imagine what would happen if they saw the head of a pony floating around." Marco explained, pointing at Ponyhead in front of them.

"You don't think she can handle herself with them?" Star asked.

"Star, humans might not have magic, but they have weapons and technology that's just as powerful. What if things get ugly down there? Now that magic is gone...Ponyhead is basically defenseless." Marco told her. Star glanced down at the ground, thinking about what Marco was telling her. She looked back up at him

"Marco, I don't-" Star started before Marco took his hands and placed them on her shoulders.

"Star, please trust me. I know about humans a lot more than you do, being that I am one. I really don't want to see one of our of your best friends, get hurt." Star's eyes wandered back down to the town. She watched a nearby couple standing in front of a monster. The couple pushed the monster down violently. Star flinched. A mewman nearby walked over to them, making sure they were okay. The humans walked away from them as the monster was in pain. She was thankful that only a few humans were acting like this. But...what if this was...almost every human? What if it got worse? She would never be able to forgive herself if something happened to her. These monsters are like family to her. Star took a deep breath.

"You're..." Star sighed. "You're right." Star said to him. Marco gave her a reassuring smile.

"Star? We're here." Moon called to her. Star turned her head to the front, seeing her wooden door with a star on the front with words reading 'Star's Room'. Seeing her room took her mind off of her worries.

"Ooo!" Star moved up to the front of the group and up towards the door. She smushed her whole body against it as if she was hugging her room to say hello. "Hi there." Marco raised an eyebrow.

"Star?" Marco asked.

"Oh um..." Star stood up straight, clearing her throat. "Sorry. Okay, here we go." She grabbed the doorknob, beginning to open it. "Ladies and Gentleman, welcome back to my ro-" Star opened the door, revealing something she didn't expect. Her room was completely ruined and destroyed. She smelled the strong scent of burnt wood and charred clothes. All of her furniture was burnt and there were holes in the walls and ceilings, allowing cold air to come inside. Everyone couldn't believe her eyes. The battle really did a number on everything.

"Oooo...girl." Ponyhead said, feeling sorry for her best friend. Star shed a frown. She looked down, seeing a few photos on the ground. She dropped to her knees to look at them. There were some of her and Marco, some of her and Ponyhead, and many more. Star tried to hold the tears in. Without magic, there's no way she could get her room back to the way it was. Marco and Moon noticed she was broken inside. They both came beside her and got on their knees, putting their arms around her, comforting her.

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