Chapter 36: An Eye for an Eye

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Star was speechless. She couldn't process what just happened. All she could do was stare at where the portal once floated and hope that it would appear again; hope that Marco would come back from The Void...and back to her where he belonged. However, she felt that she had to face the cold, hard, heart-wrenching facts. He wasn't coming back.

"Oh, Star..." Eclipsa spoke, watching Star crouch on the ground in horror. Everyone felt such pain within them. Everyone couldn't believe what Astroida had just done. As Star laid on the ground, she began to ask herself questions to help herself grasp this new reality.

She remembered the marks on Marco's cheeks.

"But...on his could there be-..." Star breathed, trying to think of a possible explanation for it. Her mind was filled with questions; questions of hows and whys. However, the more Star thought about them, the angrier she got. The angrier Star became...the more she lost self-control. She stood back up on her feet with her hands in fists and eyes closed. Her eyes opened, glowing brightly. Her hearts followed.

"You're done for." Star growled to Astroida, who wasn't even paying attention to her. Star started walking towards her, firing up her hands with magic, feeling the boiling blood through her Mewman veins. Skywynne caught sight of what was happening. She knew what Star was about to do.

She couldn't let it happen.

"Star! Wait!" Skywynne called. Moon turned her head.

"What's wrong?" Moon asked.

"Listen. I know Astroida has done something terrible but she is still my sister! I want to help her and I think Star's about to do something she can never take back!" Skywynne exclaimed, struggling to get free. Moon looked over to Star, who has never looked so angry in her eyes before.

"Her anger is taking over. She can't control herself!" Moon spoke, trying to get herself out of Astroida's grip. "Star!" Star wasn't paying attention. She had one intention; to finish Astroida and rid this world of her for good. "Eclipsa! We have to stop her!" Moon exclaimed. Eclipsa noticed Star's fury. She gasped, looking around, thinking of something to do.

"We need to get free in order to do that!" Eclipsa told Moon. Moon thought of an immediate plan. She noticed that her hands were still slightly able to move around. She powered one of them up with magic and aimed it for Astroida's wand.

"Stinging Shocker Beam." Moon spoke. A beam of scathing energy came from Moon's palms and hit Astroida right on her hand that held the wand. Astroida let out a yelp, holding her hand as it stung.

"Ow!" Astroida winced. The wand fell out of her hand and onto the floor. Suddenly, the magical hands holding onto Star's friends vanished. Realizing they were freed, Moon, Skywynne and Eclipsa ran right to Star, trying their best to stop her.

"Star!" Skywynne shouted.

Star began to conjure a spell.

"I call a spell which has no name..." Star started to speak. Her voice was shaking as she spoke the words. Star sounded absolutely broken. A tear ran down her cheek as she crept up closer to Astroida.

"No...not that spell! Star!! No!!" Eclipsa yelled.

"Eclipsa's gift with which she-" Star stopped speaking as she was pulled back by Moon and Eclipsa. "Ah!" Star kept using all of her strength to keep moving forward. "Let me go!" Star shouted.

"Star! Calm down!" Moon yelled.

"No! I won't!" Star exclaimed. " her!" Star cried in rage. As Moon and Eclipsa held her down, Star was gaining enough strength to slowly lift her hand, powering it up again. She was ready to take her aim. Suddenly, Skywynne stepped in front of her.

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