Chapter 23- Lemonade

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Tom, Janna, and Ponyhead arrived at Janna's house around 11:30 AM, right before lunchtime. It wasn't exactly Janna's idea to invite everyone over. It was more along the lines of Tom convincing her to have everyone come over. They sat in the living room, waiting for Star and Marco to arrive.

"So where are Star and Marco exactly?" Tom asked.

"I don't know. Star just texted me and said..." Janna took out her phone. "...running late. Will be there emoji, heart eyes emoji, spider emoji, cake emoji, aaaaand about 20 unicorn emojis." Janna told Tom. Tom looked over Janna's shoulder, glancing at her phone.

"What does that even mean?" Tom wondered.

"Come on. It's Star we're talking about. It probably doesn't mean anything. She's probably hyped up on emojis since she got that new phone." Janna shrugged.

"Wait, wait, wait. I know what it means! Okay, okay, okay, listen up. It obviously means that B-Fly saw a cat that she thought was like, the cutest thing ever. Then she fed a gross spider some cake which, I mean, WHY would you waste cake on a spider?! Then the 20 unicorns are Star saying how incredible I am because we all know I'm so humble, generous, and beautiful." Ponyhead finished. She suddenly felt a vibrate from her phone. She took it and put it on the table, opening it up with her nose. She looked at her phone screen revealing a text from Khrysthalle.

"I just, like, saw this human and like, she was so pretty but...I don't want to feel like I'm not pretty am though. Her makeup was so good though. So was her hair. Guys I think I'm having a crisis."

"No one cares, Khrysthalle! At least you don't have to work through blood, sweat, and tears to get your looks, kay!?" Ponyhead yelled at the phone. Tom and Janna stared at Ponyhead with confusion.

"Sister trouble, I'm guessing?" Tom asked.

"Seriously though. Being the head sister is like, so exhausting." Ponyhead told them. Ponyhead's phone suddenly rang. "KRYSTHALLE!!" Ponyhead exclaimed furiously before taking the phone in her mouth and floating away to another room. Tom and Janna sat there with blank expressions until Tom realized...

...he and Janna were alone.

"So...Janna. We're alone now. So..." Tom told her as he put an arm around Janna. He began to lean in to kiss her. Janna wasn't looking at him though. She didn't know that he wanted to kiss her.

"I hear you loud and clear." Janna said before running upstairs to her room for a quick minute.

"Wait, why are you going-" Tom wondered. All he wanted to do was kiss her. This confused him. He continued to sit on the couch, whistling as he looked around the room, waiting for his girlfriend to come back. Janna came back down the stairs, holding a large, old book in her hands.

"Time to conjure up some spirits." She said to him, determined

"No, Janna. That's not what I-" Tom started.

"Okay, let's see..." Janna said as she opened up her book, flipping through the pages. "Now that Mewni is part of Earth, maybe there's monster spirits."

"Janna, I don't think-" Tom tried talking again.

"So that means we can conjure animals, monsters, mewmans, or humans. Take your pick." Janna told Tom.

"Look. I know that' know, 'your thing' but I'm not really into 'raising people from the dead' and all that. I mean, I did it once for Marco but that's one of the only times I've ever done it." Tom said.

"That makes no sense. You're a prince of The Underworld." Janna spoke.

"Yeah...I'm like my dad. He's not into it either." Tom told her.

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