Chapter 19- Bon-Bon: Back From The Dead

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"SERIOUSLY?!" Tom asked. "HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF PRIVACY?!" His deep, dark demon voice started to emerge as Star and Marco watched Tom lose control of his anger.

"See? See Star!? This is what happens when you meddle!!" Marco exclaimed.

"Hey! You were just as much of a part of this as me, Mr. 'Romantic Atmosphere'." Star replied. Marco gasped.

"Woah! Hey! You're the one to talk, Ms. 'Oh! Sparks are gonna fly!' You said that at the monster temple, remember? I didn't forget!" Marco said back to her.

" worked though, didn't it!?" Star added, pointing at Tom and Janna.

"DON'T IGNORE ME!" Tom shouted as Star and Marco argued, paying no attention to what was around them.

"Dude, relax. It's not a big deal." Janna told him, patting his shoulder.


"Look. Just remember your mantra." Janna told him. The fire surrounding Tom's body

went down.

"THAT WON'T-...wait...I don't have a mantra." Tom told her as he scratched the top of his head. His demonic voice started returning to normal.

"Well then, here. Listen to mine." Janna crossed her legs and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!" Janna said in a calm manner. Tom blankly stared at her before backing away as his flame went out.

"Okay, look. One; we're in a cemetery...sooooo...not helping. Two; I'm a demon and you're even creeping me out right now." Tom told her.

"But hey, you're calmer now, right?" Janna said as she pointed to Tom's flameless head. Tom looked up at his forehead and then all over him, noticing the fires coming from his body are out. He stared blankly into space.

" do you do that..." Tom wondered, a little terrified. Jackie and Chloe stood up to get everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys? I think we should worry about the tombstone that's lit on fire right know, that tombstone right there??" Jackie pointed out. Everyone turned, seeing the horror that was Bon-Bon the Birthday Clown's tombstone...except it was engulfed in flames.

"Ahhh! Fire! Fire! Fire is bad!" Marco exclaimed.

"Well that's not all that's bad, I'm afraid." Janna spoke. Star came out from the bush and walked towards Janna and Tom.

"Wait what? Did you say something's bad? What's bad?! TELL ME NOW, JANNA! FILL ME WITH YOUR GHOULISH WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE PLEASE!" Star said as she grabbed Janna's shirt in a panic. Janna gave her a serious look.

"I need my bag." Janna said. Star let go of her while Marco grabbed her bag and threw it to her. Janna took out an old, worn-out book titled The Mysteries and Lore of the Undead: Volume 6. She opened it up, looking through the pages until she stopped, reaching a chapter titled Angering Spirits: Do's and Dont's. The wind suddenly started to pick up. A groaning noise was suddenly heard.

"Uhhhh Janna? I don't know if you realized but I really don't want to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of my life. In other words, HURRY UP!!" Marco shouted, in a frenzy.

"Oh, please. You won't be haunted. You'll most likely be cursed or something." Janna told him, sounding as if this was completely normal. Marco suddenly made an expressionless face.

"Seriously...I just got over a Blood Moon Curse." Marco said, annoyed that he keeps getting cursed everywhere he goes. "Also, HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?!"

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