Chapter 8- The Secret Date

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Star sat straight up, hyperventilating a tad bit, wondering what in the world just happened. Marco woke up, sitting up to check on her.

"Star? You okay?" Marco asked, getting up off his blow-up bed. He rubbed his eyes as he sat there. Star continued to sit on Marco's bed, trying to comprehend everything in her head.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm good. I just..." Star said, extremely confused.

"Was it another nightmare?" Marco asked her. Star shook her head.

"No...I think was Glossaryk." Star took a deep breath. Marco raised an eyebrow.

"Huh?" Marco muttered. Star turned her whole body to face Marco.

"Look, I'm not crazy, okay? Glossaryk was there! The whole dream just real!" Star explained. Marco sat on the bed next to her.

"But he's gone...we destroyed the magic..." Marco said. He then thought of how Glossaryk liked to mess with people's heads and make them question absolutely everything in existence, including everyone's own self. " he?"

"I mean, yeah. I would think so." Star replied. She thought about it deeply for a second. "Yeah...yeah! It would be impossible if he was alive right now. He was literally made of magic so-" Star said to herself. Marco shook his head in amusement before putting a hand on Star's shoulder.

"Star, you're overthinking it. You're probably just stressed about everything going on right now. You've been through a lot." Marco told her. Star continued to stare off into space. "Do you...need me to sit with you again while you sleep?" Marco asked her.

"Oh. Uh...don't worry. I'm okay." Star told him with a smile. Marco smiled back before kissing her on the cheek.

"Well, if you need me, just wake me up, okay?" Marco told her as he stood back up, walking over to his blow-up bed again. Star started giggling randomly. "What's so funny?" Marco chuckled.

"Nothing. Just...when you kissed my cheek I got popcorn in my stomach." Star said.

"Popcorn in your what?" Marco asked, confused.

"Popcoorrnn. You know, like, when your tummy starts to tickle and it feels like corn's popping in it?" Star explained.

"Ohhhhh. Well, we don't call it that on Earth. Actually, you're gonna laugh when I tell you." Marco chuckled.

"Tell me." Star demanded, waiting for an answer.

"Well...butterflies." Marco told her. Star's eyes went wide.

"A Butterfly with butterflies...huh..." Star said to herself before they both laughed together. Star wiped a happy tear from her eye.

"Well, we should be getting back to sleep." Marco told her as he went back to his blow-up bed and got under the blankets. "Night Star."

"Night, Marco." Star said as she did the same, falling asleep once again.

Morning came. The sun was gleaming through Marco's room window, shining right onto Star's face. She woke up, squinting her eyes from the brightness of it. She suddenly felt something soft sitting against her.

"Morning." Marco said softly. He took a hand and stroked her cheek.

"Hi." Star sighed happily. For the past two mornings, the first thing Star saw when she woke up was Marco. Could it just be this way forever? She took her hand and gently held his. He became mesmerized in her blue eyes sparkling from the sunshine from his window.

"I'm guessing you slept well last night after the whole 'Glossaryk' thing, huh?" Marco asked her. "You never woke me up so..."

"Yeah. Nothing but sweet dreams." Star said, moving around a bit to wake herself up.

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