Chapter 21- She's Baaaaaack!

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"You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here; especially in front of me!" Star said angrily. Her blood was beginning to boil.

"Woah! Star! Calm down!" Marco told her, gently grabbing her shoulders. He didn't understand why she was so upset.

"No! Marco! You don't get it!" Star exclaimed. Marco immediately let go of Star's shoulders. "Back on Mewni, he ran off into the woods with Mina! He betrayed us right after the magic was destroyed!" Star explained loudly.

"I admit. I know that I've done some slight wrongdoings in the past." Manfred spoke.

"Slight wrongdoings?! Ohhhhh really?! You betrayed my family! You betrayed every single Mewman in the Kingdom!" Star shouted.

"Star? You're going to draw attention to us." Marco said calmly. "Breathe, Star. Breathe." Star took a deep breath in, then out.

"Sorry. It's just...after everything that happened back on Mewni...after witnessing the destruction of my kingdom and the pain my friends still went with Mina. THAT is what upsets me. My friends almost died. All the monsters on Mewni almost died. I almost died! And-...and you just-...just-!" Star explained.

"Miss Butterfly, if you could please listen to what I have to say..." Manfred begged.

"Come on, Star. Let's just hear him out." Marco told her. Star let out a sigh, crossing her arms.

"Fine." Star said, sitting down on one of the chairs surrounding the table. Star looked at Marco, who stood there, not knowing what to do. She pointed her head at the chair next to him, gesturing for Marco to sit down. Marco suddenly realized what she wanted him to do.

"Oh! Sorry." Marco said, sitting down in the chair.

Back outside the cafe, Janna, Tom, and Ponyhead watched the camera feed, noticing Star and Marco sitting with Manfred.

"Woah hold up! That used to be Star's servant!" Ponyhead spoke.

"So is that who sent the note?" Tom asked.

"Must be." Janna replied. "But what kind of information could he possibly have?"

"Who knows." Tom said. "I don't know why but-...I have a feeling that the information he has..." Tom pointed to Manfred on the camera. "...isn't good."

"Back during Eclipsa's reign, I realize that I was biased, believing that the monster race was against our people and that all they would ever want to do was infiltrate our kingdom's monarchy and destroy the kingdom. I couldn't quite understand both your reasonings for siding with Eclipsa so I just went along with what the citizens thought, which was that the monsters were an evil race only bent on destroying everything we stand for and live by." Manfred explained.

"'re not helping yourself." Star replied, annoyed. Marco covered her mouth with his hand.

"Go on." Marco told Manfred. Star took Marco's hand and gently removed it from her face.

"As I was saying, when the battle began, I didn't know what to do. Seeing the monsters in danger made me feel as if what I thought was misconstrued. I couldn't decide who was in the wrong anymore. Was it the monsters...or was it us?" Manfred continued. "After hearing the magic was destroyed and that the monarchy was in shambles because of it, I was incredibly lost. Being without a leader frightened me to no end and...when I heard that Miss Loveberry had ideas, it made me feel that there was hope. So I ran off into the woods with her as a devoted servant as I was for you and former Queen moon."

"With Mina? Are you insane?! I mean...she's insane! What were you thinking?!" Star asked him, wondering if Manfred had lost his mind.

"I'm sorry to say it but...she has a point. You saw her terrorize the monsters. She also tried to kill us. Why would you run off with someone who wanted to kill your own leaders?" Marco added.

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