Chapter 29- Prank Magic

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"Wait, did you just say kidnapped?" Tom asked.

"Yeah because that is really bad." Janna added.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did." Star said. Everyone was in a state of shock. Hearing that one of their friends has been kidnapped is bad news, especially due to the fact that said friend is not even from their own time. This could have major consequences.

"You don't think that Mina-..." Marco wondered. Star didn't want to count that possibility out. It was the one guess that made the most sense.

"Even though I want to say she didn't kidnap her...I can't. She did kidnap Glossaryk after all." Star replied before realizing something extremely important. "Wait a minute...the wand...the magic!" Star spoke in a panic.

"I'll check the wand!" Marco said as he quickly made his way to his room.

"I'll check the magic!" Star spoke, running into the kitchen. Everyone watched as they ran off. Tom and Janna stood there, watching them frantically run.

"And uh...we'll be here!" Tom said.

Star dropped onto her knees once she was in the kitchen, lifting a tile off of the floor, revealing a compartment with the magic stored right inside it. Star let out a breath of relief, knowing that one of the most powerful objects on Earthni right now was safely in her possession.

Marco ran over to the desk in his room, opening a desk drawer. He started to toss everything out of it in a panic. Once he did that, he pulled the top of the secret compartment off. Thankfully, the wand was still there. Marco breathed a sigh of relief as well. Star and Marco then ran back into the living room.

"Still there!" Star and Marco said together.

"Wait, if Mina did kidnap Skywynne, why would she not try to steal the magic and the wand while she was here?" Janna asked.

"Yeah. It makes no sense...unless she did this on purpose." Marco spoke. "Star, we've got to find her."

"I know. I know. Let me think." Star said, looking down at her feet, trying to figure out what to do. She paced back and forth, wondering what she could do to find out where Skywynne is hiding and if Mina actually kidnapped her or not. After a few seconds, she lifted her head and snapped her fingers. "I got it." Star said before walking to the middle of the living room. "Alright, friends...and boyfriend..." Star smirked as she looked at Marco. Marco blushed with an awkward smile as his parents gushed over their son's reaction. "Stand back. I uh...haven't done this spell in a while."

Star took a deep breath, in and out as she spread her arms out slightly. She closed her eyes, trying her best to concentrate.

I summon the all-seeing eye...

To tear a hole into the sky...

Star started lifted her arms up higher and higher, bringing them above her head. A breeze started to blow through the room as the magical power grew within her. Her hearts began to light up. Marco, Tom, and Janna watched as Star put her magic to work.

Reveal to me that which is hidden...

Once her arms were above her head, she brought her arms in front of her, having her palms face away from her body.

Unveil to me what is forbidden...

Once she finished the spell, a small blast of magical energy flew from her hands, creating a purple-colored window, allowing a peek into another location on Earthni. Star opened her eyes, seeing that she was successful in her spell.

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