Chapter 24- A Little Rusty

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"Glossaryk!" Star exclaimed, getting up out of Marco's arms.

"What the heck!" Marco shouted.

"Well, I thought you'd be more happy to see me." Glossaryk said.

"Well-" Marco started. Star came to a realization, putting a finger on Marco's lips.

"Wait! Marco! can see him?" Star said. Marco removed her hand from his mouth.

"Yeah! I can see him! I wish I had a warning-" Marco said before Star placed her finger back on his lips. Marco made a straight face.

"...he's out of my head. Glossaryk's out of my head!!! WOO!!" Star shouted with glee as Marco, once again, removed her finger from his lips. She immediately started dancing. Then, Star stopped. " are you out of my head?" Star wondered, turning her head to Glossaryk.

"Haven't you figured it out? I mean, I don't recall either of you being that oblivious." Glossaryk spoke.

"Wow. Rude!" Marco replied. Star looked down on the ground at the popsicles that the two of them just ate. She picked on one, observing it closely.

"Marco...didn't you say this looked...'familiar' you?" Star asked.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaah. Why?" Marco asked. Star looked at the yellow popsicle for a second before realizing what it was.

"It''s magic?" Star said quietly to herself.

"Did you just say it's-" Marco asked.

"She did." Glossaryk immediately responded.

"Wait a minute...that's why your hearts were glowing! They were like metal detectors...only they were magic detectors!" Marco figured out.

"Ooooooooooh. That's why you brought my hearts back!" Star said, excited that she's finally getting the answers she's been looking for.

"Yes." Glossaryk told her.

"And I'm guessing you, what? You used some of the magic to turn yourself from a figment of Star's thoughts into an actual living being outside of her head?" Marco asked.

"Exactly." Glossaryk replied.

"Everything's making sense now!" Star spoke.

"Didn't I say you would soon understand? Patience is a virtue, Star." Glossaryk spoke.

"Well, I have more questions, actually." Marco told them.

"Like?" Star asked.

"How did magic get into Janna's freezer?" Marco wondered. Star and Marco peered their eyes to the living room.

"JANNA!" Star and Marco called loudly. Janna, Tom, and Ponyhead ran into the room in a panic, seeing the kitchen a mess and Glossaryk floating next to Star and Marco.

"Glossaryk!" Tom and Ponyhead yelled.

"Suuuup." Janna exclaimed. Skywynne came from behind the three of them, astonished to see Glossaryk here.

"Skywynne Butterfly." Glossaryk bowed.

"Why, hello Glossaryk." Skywynne said, curtsying to him. She observed her magic mentor closely. "Hmm...I thought you would have aged. You look just the same as when I last saw you."

"Beauty sleep does miracles, your majesty." Glossaryk told her.

"Or you used magic to make yourself look younger?" Marco mentioned.

"I mean...wouldn't you?" Glossaryk asked him.

"Point taken." Marco responded.

"Enough with the face lifting voodoo guys. Janna?" Star spoke, walking to Janna. "Where. did you. get this?" Star asked, holding one of the magic popsicles in front of her face.

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