Chapter 13- And So It Begins

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A dozen army jeeps and 3 giant tanks were led by many police cars. Star and Marco watched as they parked in front of the temple. Out of the vehicles came a multitude of army men and police officers covered in body gear and armed with tranquilizer darts and tasers. Star and Marco couldn't believe how many of them there were. There had to be at least 75 to 100 of them.

Star started shaking. Her heartbeat began to quicken. Could they really do this? It was the two of them against...well, more than they could count at the moment. Marco said it was okay to be afraid but...could being afraid make herself weaker? She knew Marco said fear can keep someone sharp and focused but that was in the Neverzone. This was a territory she had never traversed before. Still, Marco was with her. He knew humans better than she did. I mean, it was in own kind, after all.

"You ready?" Marco asked her as he watched the soldiers position themselves at the ready. Star didn't respond. He turned his head to look at her. "Star?" He called. Star was frozen stiff.

" know how you said it's okay to be scared? Well..." Star swallowed. "I'm scared...totally...totally scared." Star told him with a shaky voice. Marco frowned seeing her terrified like this. All he's ever wanted is to see her happy. He couldn't wait till this whole fiasco was over and done with. He looked down at her hand and took it in his, feeling it tremble as he held it. "We're going to be okay, Star. Nothing's going to happen to us. I promise."

"How can you be so calm right now?!" Star questioned him.

Down at the ground, a policeman came out of one of the vehicles. He ducked down looking through a pair of mini binoculars. He grabbed his radio from the side of him.

"Sir, we have a 10-23. We are at the target site." The policeman said through the radio.

"10-4. Copy that. Waiting for your signal." A woman said on the other side of the radio. A man in black body gear came over. He was a general of high rank, considering that he had a few badges on the left of his chest, pinned to his camo jacket.

"What's our status?" The general asked.

"Well sir, there are no monsters visible from what I can tell. We are clear." The policeman


"That's to be expected. They're most likely inside." The general told him, taking out a pair

of his own binoculars. "Give the order."

"Yes, sir." The policeman responded. He took his radio in his hand once again. "You are

clear to proceed into the temple."

"10-4. Copy that." The woman replied. The general looked through his binoculars really quick until something caught his eye. Through the lens, he could see Star and Marco in their suits of armor standing at the large door to the monster temple, holding each other's hand. The general bent down quickly to grab the radio from the police officer.

"10-12! 10-12! Stand by. I repeat. Stand by!" The general said. The police officer looked confused.

"Sir?" He called out.

"There are children on the premises. I need a megaphone now!" The general exclaimed.

"Okay, what's going on down there?" Marco asked himself, scratching his head.

"Why are you asking me? I thought you would know!" Star replied nervously.

"Star, the internet doesn't tell you everything when it comes to special forces." Marco

squinted his eyes, trying his best to find out what was actually happening. "Wait, someone's grabbing a megaphone."

"Boy with the short brown hair and girl with, um, extremely long blonde hair! Please make your way down the temple nice and slowly!" The general said through the megaphone. Star shook her head.

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