Chapter 17- Beach Day 2.0

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"Snacks?" Star asked while she put her hair up in a ponytail. Star and Marco were in the bathroom, preparing for their day at the beach. They were both wearing their beach attire.

"Check." Marco replied as he looked for specific items in Star's beach bag. Star's wound healed after a few days, thanks to Marco's care...and safe-kidness, of course. That was when Star and Marco decided that they should celebrate Star's recovery by doing what they were planning on for days; Beach Day 2.0. The day had finally arrived. To them, It felt like it's been forever since they planned this. Star was beyond excited; so excited that she took the necessary precautions, making sure that they didn't forget anything like they did last time.

"Beach ball?" Star asked Marco.

"Check." Marco responded.




"'s not in here." Marco told her, scratching his head as he continued to look through the beach bag.

"Ahhhh pegasus feathers! Where is it?" Star wondered as she walked out of the bathroom and into Marco's room, panicking a little bit.

"I don't know. You were the last one that had it." Marco told her as he stood up and followed Star.

"Hey, when you see Mariposa with blueberries up her nose, you capture that memorable moment!" Star explained to him as she looked around every corner for a sight of the camera. "Agh, where is the blasted thing?!" She asked herself, unnerved.

"Star, relaaaax. We can always buy another one if we can't find it." Marco reassured her.

"I know. I'm just so frustrated that I keep losing cameras. It's almost like I have some sort curse...or something." Star said as she looked under Marco's bed. Marco shook his head in amusement.

"I don't think you have a camera curse. People lose things all the time. Like the other day I lost one of my red hoodies...still haven't found it ye-" Marco paused, seeing a suspicious look on Star. "Staaaaar...did you take my hoodie...again?"

"What? What hoodie? I don't know of any hoodie of which you speak of? Why would I know about a hoodie?" Star nervously chuckled, rubbing her arm while looking away.

"You took it, didn't you!?" Marco exclaimed.

"...yes?" Star said quietly

"Star!" Marco loudly spoke as his arms flailed about.

"Oh, come on, Marco! It's sooooooo comfy! Besides, it's customary that a boyfriend lets his girlfriend wear his hoodie, you know." Star explained to him, trying to make a point.

"Well...okay, I guess you're right. I have like, 20 more anyway." Marco told her.

"Wait, wait, many?" Star questioned before hearing the front doorbell ring downstairs. "I'll get it!" She loudly proclaimed, walking out of Marco's room and sliding down the stair railing. Once she reached the first floor, Star opened the door, seeing Tom and Janna standing there, wearing beach day attire and bags leaning on their shoulders. Tom was also holding two umbrellas with his one arm. "Tom! Janna! You're here!" Star blurted out.

"Yeah. You did say to come here at 11 AM if we wanted to come sooooo...yeah. Here we are." Tom explained.

"But wait...Janna, I thought you said you weren't a beach person." Star spoke, scratching the top of her head, confused.

"Eh, I wasn't going to go but Tom made a deal with me." Janna told her.

"Which wassss...." Star speculated.

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