Chapter 27- Lost

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"You''re...Skywynne Butterfly!" Ludo exclaimed. "And that's the-.....the w-....w-..." Ludo couldn't even say the word. Thoughts flooded through his mind. He couldn't think straight. Star knew from the start that Ludo still had some things to work on, especially straying away from his evil side. Seeing Skywynne and the wand might've just brought those evil urges right back. Ludo quickly jumped out of his seat, snatching the wand from Skywynne's hands.

"Hey!" Skywynne exclaimed in surprise.

"Star!" Marco called out. Star turned her head, seeing Skywynne's wand in Ludo's hands.

"Ludo!" Star yelled. She threw her hands in front of her. "Colossal Coconut Confinement!" Star spoke loudly. Her hands glowed, shooting a magical beam out from them, making a giant coconut appear near the doorway of the room. Ludo dodged it, jumping away from it. Skywynne popped her head out from behind the coconut.

"Smells...tropical!" Skywynne said. Ludo suddenly ran outside, proceeding for everyone to quickly follow him. They made it out of the house, revealing a troubled Ludo standing there. Star spread her arms out wide, halting the group behind her. Ludo began to stare at the wand he was holding as everyone else's concern grew.

"I demand you give my wand back to me!" Skywynne spoke, stomping her foot.

"No!" Ludo said, sounding like a child.

"Hold on." Star said to Skywynne. She brought a hand up and powered it with magic, just in case she had to take precautionary measures. She really didn't want to but if it meant the safety of her friends, she was ready to do whatever it takes. She continued keeping a close eye on Ludo. "Ludo? You don't want to do this." Star told him, calmly, keeping her aim.

"To think...all those times I attempted to steal the wand before; coming up with schemes and plans...only to be defeated by the likes of you two." Ludo said, sneering at Star and Marco. He looked at the wand with a sigh. "I've missed what it feels like to have a grasp at victory." Ludo said as he made his free hand in a fist, looking determined. Star looked at Ludo in anger. She couldn't change him now. Ludo was back to his old self. It's exactly what she feared would happen. The wand was a trigger, making that switch in his brain go from good to how he was in the past; evil. Star could only wonder what happened to the Ludo that was standing in that house just a bit earlier.

"Ludo? Look around you! The world's changed and you're not realizing the full extent of that!" Star told him.

"She's right! You might think that everything that worked back on Mewni will work here but it won't!" Marco added.

"How would either of you know? You've been here just as long as I have!" Ludo fired back, grasping the wand tightly. Glossaryk suddenly came to Star's side, whispering something in her ear as everyone else waited for what was going to happen. Star's eyes grew wide. She took a look at the wand. Then, back at Ludo. Her face suddenly shed a slight bit of confidence.

".......well then, use the wand." Star said. Everyone gasped.

"What?!" They all exclaimed, except for Ludo.

"You must be joking." Ludo added.

"Star! Are you crazy!?" Marco asked. "Have you forgotten everything that happened back on Mewni the last time he had a wand in his possession?!" Star held her free hand up in the air, silencing him as her other hand still was ready to summon any magical spell necessary.

"No, no, Marco. If he thinks he can conquer this world like he did on Mewni, I want to see him try it." Star told him. Marco could only wonder what Glossaryk just whispered in her ear that would make her want to risk the safety of Earthni by letting him use the wand. None of the others understood either. Has Star lost it? "Well, Ludo? Amaze me." Star said, putting her free hand on her hip.

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