Chapter 6- Starshine

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"How do you know my name exactly?" Skywynne said in a posh accent. Star couldn't believe that Skywynne, The Queen of Hours, one of her favorite queens ever, was standing right in front of her. How was this possible? Star saw her ghost form while destroying the magic. She couldn't possibly be here!

"Oh um...yeah it was just a lucky guess. There are lots of people here named Skywynne." Star chuckled, nervously. Marco raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, no there isn-" Marco started to say before Star elbowed him. "Ow! Uh, yeah! Yeah, I know a few people with that name." He said to her, rubbing his arm. Marco's parents started to walk near the stairs.

"Well, we are going to go up to our room and get some sleep. Sleeping on rocks and wood was not comfortable." Rafael told them.

"We'll let you three get acquainted." Angie said as they both walked upstairs. A litter of laser puppies followed them up.

"Laser puppies! We've missed you!" They both said in the distance. Star and Marco rolled their eyes in amusement before looking back at Skywynne.

"Marco Diaz by the way." Marco said, reaching his hand out to shake Skywynne's.

"Nice to meet you. Skywynne Butterfly." She replied with a smile, taking his hands and shaking it. Star jumped a bit hearing her last name.

"And I'm Star B-" She hesitated to say her last name. "Uh..." She debated whether she should even say her last name. She decided to keep it secret, just to be safe. "Uh...Star..." She looked around the house for anything that started with the letter B. She looked in the kitchen seeing some items on the table. "Star Bubblegum! Star Bubblegum." Star said as she reached her hand out for a handshake as well.

"Wait, wha-?" Marco said quietly under his breath.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Star." Skywynne said to her. She looked past them, observing the house. "Uh...can I come in?" She said, pointing behind them.

"Oh! Yes!" Star said as she and Marco moved aside. Skywynne walked in, looking around the house. Marco shed a straight face. He leaned his head closer to Star.

"Star, what was that about..." Marco asked her.

"Huh? What?" Star shrugged.

"Bubblegum...really..." Marco said, crossing his arms.

"Look, I don't trust her. What if she isn't actually Skywynne? What if...she's some sort of illusion or evil villain in disguise?" Star asked.

"I uh....don't think she is, Star. She seems pretty nice to me." Marco replied.

"Doesn't matter, Marco! Even if she is Skywynne, if I told her I was a Butterfly, who knows what would happen! She can't know I'm part of the royal family, whether she is my ancestor or not." Star said. Marco thought about Star's words and sighed.

"You're right. Speaking of 'royal family'..." Marco pointed to Skywynne, walking around the living room. "How?!?!" He said quietly.

"Trust me, I'm wondering the same thing." She said, watching Skywynne. "She shouldn't be here. She died hundreds of years ago. Like, how is she standing there?!" Star wondered as they both watched Skywynne take a look at some photographs hanging from the wall.

" don't think she's a ghost or something, do you?" Marco asked, getting creeped out.

"I...don't know." They noticed Skywynne make her way to the kitchen. Tom, Janna, Ponyhead, and Eclipsa were still sitting around the kitchen counter eating some nachos before Eclipsa turned her head, seeing Skywynne standing there.

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