Chapter 28- Fondue for Four

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"Why do I feel like this is going to end up badly?" Marco asked as he looked at himself through a small mirror on the wall in his room, straightening the tie on his gray suit. Star was in the bathroom brushing her hair, wearing an orange-cream color knee-length dress with a white kitten patch on the bottom corner of it.

"Well, it's not! I mean, come on! Tom and Janna haven't been on an actual date!" Star told him.

"Uh-huh. Okay. And what is your definition of an 'actual date'? We've had dates in private before." Marco told her.

"Yup. But we've also had dates in public places! And we weren't so secretive about it!" Star said, putting her hairbrush down. "They need to go PUBLIC!!!" Star said excitedly, slamming her fists on the bathroom counter, accidentally spilling a ton of stuff out of her medicine cabinet hanging on the wall. "Aw, darn it."

"Well, I still think you're trying to meddle again." Marco said as Star put all the fallen objects back on the medicine cabinet shelves. "Why don't you just let their relationship grow on its own?"

"Woah. Hey. I'm not trying to meddle!" Star replied, pointing at Marco. "I just want to be a witness to the growth of something..." Star wiggled her fingers, pretending magic was coming from them. "...magical." She spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"Ohhhh boy." Marco replied, face-palming. A doorbell suddenly sounded. Star's eyes lit up.

"It's tiiiime!!!" Star happily sang as she ran out of the door and down the steps.

"Star! Wait up!" Marco said as he started to run before falling flat on his face, realizing his shoe was tied to the leg of his desk chair sitting next to him. "What the-...Glossaryk!" Marco shouted, realizing that Glossaryk was the one who tied his shoelace to his desk chair when he wasn't looking. Glossaryk peeked out from the door, snickering as he witnessed his prank in action.

Star happily made her way to the door, opening it, revealing a normal-acting Janna and a nervous Tom. Star's pupils turned to hearts as she saw the couple standing at the door. Janna was wearing a jade green dress while Tom was wearing a black and white suit with his jacket unbuttoned.

"Hey." Janna said in a monotone voice.

"Uh...hi." Tom spoke as he pulled on his collar, acting a little nervous for some odd reason.

"Oh my gosh you guys are sooo cuuuuuuuute!" Star squeaked, not even taking a breath as she placed her hands on her cheeks. Marco came down the steps, seeing Janna and Tom at the doorway.

"Hey guys!" Marco said. He then noticed Janna's attire. "Woah. Woah. Hold up. Janna? Are you wearing a dress?!" Tom suddenly started flailing his arms about, trying to warn Marco not to say anything about what she was wearing.

"Don't...mention...the dress." Janna said in a deep, almost demonic voice. Marco swallowed in fear, knowing not to mention that dress ever again. She obviously didn't like wearing it. "Anyway, where are we going exactly?" Janna asked.

"Fondue Palace!" Star proclaimed with her hands up in the air as they all stood in front of a restaurant in the middle of town.

"Fon-...what?" Tom asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fondue, Tom. They put food on little swords!" Star told him.

"For the last time, Star. They're skewers, not swords. Besides, I promised Star a while ago that I would bring her somewhere that serves fondue. Star and I did plan to go by ourselves but it was Star's idea to take you guys with." Marco said, looking at Star as her eyes lit up while having the biggest smile on her face.

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