Chapter 10- Code Gold

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Star felt as if she couldn't move. She didn't know what to think of this. She was questioning everything in her life at this point. The fact that her hearts were back on her cheeks made her dizzy just thinking about it. Marco came into the bathroom, seeing Star in complete fear and terror.

"This is impossible. He can't still be...I makes no sense." Star said to herself.

"Star? What. happened??" Marco asked desperately.

"This can there be-" Star continued as she frantically took out Marco's earbuds from her ears. Marco grabbed her and turned her around so she could face him, trying to get her to snap out of it. He interlocked his hands with hers to help her relax.

"Star? You're scaring me. What. is going. ON?!?!?" He asked her. Her eyes were wide and filled with fear. Marco could definitely tell she wasn't handling this well. Star took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"Well...I saw...I saw Glossaryk again." Star said.

"Again?!?...and I was actually talking about the hearts but-." Marco told her as he pointed to her cheeks.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you, Marco!" Star exclaimed in a bit of panic. "I saw him in my dreams and he was messing with my head, telling me 'Oh, are you sure I died?' and 'Well, the ship was destroyed but what happened to what was inside of it?' and all that. And then he said 'this should answer some questions.'. I guess what he meant was..." She pointed to her hearts. "...these." Star finished.

"So what you're telling me is Glossaryk made your hearts come back?" Marco asked, scratching his head.

"Um...maybe?" Star said before yelling in frustration. "I honestly don't know what to think anymore!" She said with her hands in fists.

"Wait, wait, wait, is this possible!? You destroyed the magic! I saw you do it! You made it turn green and gross and-" Marco said, trying to understand this whole situation himself. Star looked down to the ground. "'re not saying that-" Marco started. Star took a deep breath again.

"I don't know, Marco. Glossaryk...really makes you question a lot of things." Star said as she rubbed her arm. Marco tried wrapping his head around what Star was telling him.

"Hold on, but if Glossaryk, the Glossaryk, made your hearts come back...does that mean he didn't actuallyyy..." Marco asked.

"That's the thing! He was bugging me about that too!" Star said before walking back and forth in the bathroom. An idea suddenly struck. "Wait a minute." She said as she ran out of the bathroom towards her bed.

"Whaaaat are you doing?" Marco asked as he followed Star out of the bathroom. Star picked up her cell phone from the nightstand next to Marco's bed and started a video call. She suddenly turned her camera off. A video popped up on her cell shortly after.

"Star? Are you okay sweetie?!" Moon asked on the other line. Her hair was a mess and she had an eye mask above her eyes, not to mention she looked very tired. Star gasped before sighing with relief for some reason. Marco watched, wondering what this was all about. "You do understand it's 4 AM and-...why can't I see you?" Moon asked, noticing that Star's camera was off.

"Oh's broken." Star told her.

"Really? How did that happen?" Moon asked.

"Ummm...a bird attacked it!" Star said.

"A bird...attacked it?...What kind of bird?" Moon wondered.

"A, uh..." Star said before seeing Marco lifting his phone up in front of her, showing a picture of a bird with the name of it underneath. "Uh," She said slowly, putting a lot of annunciation on the 'al' part. Marco gave her a thumbs up as Star shed a small smile, trying to hide the fact that she was lying.

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