Chapter 11- Ugh...Humans

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"I have to admit, it's kind of cool that your hearts are back. In a way I've kind of missed them." Marco told her as he took his hand and stroked her cheek. Star placed her hand on top of his, holding it gently.

"Yeah...actually, remember when I said they were just hearts on my cheeks a few days ago? I might have fibbed. They're kind of...a part of me." Star said, happy in a way that her hearts returned. Sure, this meant something huge but it was nice for things to kind of be back to normal. On the other hand, magic being back in the world was something that worried her. What if the whole world were able to use it, including humans? That would be a turn for the worst. Still, she tried to focus on the positives.

"All of us thought that. That's why I asked you if you were okay that day." Marco said, letting out a small chuckle as he let go of her cheek. Star's eyes suddenly went big.

"All of-" That's when Star realized something major. "Oh no! I can't let everyone see this! They're all going to freak out and-...and my mom! Oh, if my mom sees these? Ohhhh she's going to go crazy!" Star said in a panic.

"Yeah, you have a point! Uhhh..." Marco said, trying to think of something to hide her cheek marks. "Oh, wait! My mom's got some makeup! I've gotten pretty good at applying makeup since becoming Princess Turdina." Marco started brushing his shoulders with his hands, acting bold.

"Yeah...uh huh...Marco? I just need my cheek marks hidden...not a complete makeover." Star told him, thinking he wanted to get her all gussied up.

"Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Okay, we're going to need some primer, green concealer, some setting powder, and mayyyybe some blush if we need a little extra." Marco said as he was observing her cheek marks, naming them off as he counted with his fingers.

"Green concealer?" Star asked, wondering how that would help at all. Star wasn't an alien! Well, technically she was in a way. She wasn't one of those green giant-eyed aliens though.

"Trust me, Star. It works wonders." He replied as he wiggled his fingers as if there was fairy dust in the air.

"Well...okay." Star said. Marco's eyes lit up as he got excited to use makeup again, guiding Star over to his desk chair for her to sit in it.

"Okay...wait here." Marco said, pointing at her before walking out of his room. Once Marco was out of her sight, Star walked over to the nightstand next to Marco's bed to grab her phone. She made her way back to her seat, sitting on it and unlocking her cell. Tapping the screen, she brought up her camera to look at herself in it. She sighed, observing and touching her cheeks, feeling the pink hearts that lie on them.

"Why am I having mixed emotions about these right now?" Star asked herself as she dropped her head, groaning.

"That's something I cannot answer." A voice suddenly replied. Star gasped, quickly lifting her head back up, wondering who in the world was talking to her. She looked all around Marco's room but no one was there.

"What in the wo-..." Star stopped herself, realizing who it was. She gasped once more. "...Glossaryk! Come oooooon!"

"Well, obviously it's me. Who else did you think it was? A ghost or talking chameleon?" Glossaryk questioned. "Besides, I thought you were asking me a question." He added. Star couldn't see him since he was inside her head. She really wished she could because it was really disturbing.

" I was talking to myself." Star said. "Wait, wait, hold on! Why can I hear you in my head?! You told me you could only 'see what I see and hear what I hear.'." She quoted him, flailing her arms about.

"Well, yes. I may have neglected to mention that I can talk to you from within your mind."

"You neglected to mention..." Star repeated, getting a little annoyed.

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