Prologue | Hide Away

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Author's Notes
So, I do not own the Harry Potter series nor J.K. Rowling's creations and characters but my own, Amelia Copperstone and everything about her character.

So, this is my first Severus Snape Fan fiction on Wattpad. I had written Severus Snape stories before, but its been other sites and years ago, mind you. So please respect my writing, I'm a bit rusty. But please do enjoy, I've had this story in my head for some time.


You can say I had a pretty rough start growing up. Since the first day I could remember, the stress of good impressions was bestowed onto me to carry on our famous family name, Copperstone. My mother, Emily Straut stolen my father, Nicholas Copperstone's heart, the commander at the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. It wasn't long until they were hitched and had their first child, Amelia Rose Copperstone.

Now, I was that lucky child, raised by an incredibly wealthy pure blooded wizard family, ties with the Ministry of Magic. We lived with such wealth and fame, it was extravagant. Though, you can say I was... A late bloomer.

By the age of seven, my parents were worried the fact that I haven't had "magical incidents" like the other neighboring children in our estate outside Scandinavia. Taking me to St. Mungo's, the healers have concluded that I was simply holding back and haven't had a real subconscious reason to lash out my true potential.

But, as the years went on, not one drop of magic came through me and that stressed my father deeply. My mother ended up pushing my studies harder, learning fifth year magic by age ten. And by the age of eleven, the dreadful news from Albus Dumbledore himself, that I, Amelia Copperstone was a squib.

The devastating ordeal spread across our estate and the ministry and as the embarrassment tribulation struck my father, he sent me away to a small village in Falmouth where he hired a nanny to live with me and care for me.

Now, here I am, twenty six years old working as barmaid in a run down pub with no magic but an unusual exceptional skill for potions. Hey, I may be a squib, I may not conjure up magic and have a wand, but I could throw a bunch of heinous ingredients in a pot and stir up some taboo.

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