Almost a Sealed Deal

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I went upstairs with Bella following behind me, going into my room, I took out my t-shirt, underwear, and socks.

"I'll be back Bella." I scratch her head and go into the bathroom.

I turn on the water, letting it warm up for a bit, then getting in. I let the water wash away the salt water, and hopefully the water detangled some of my hair. After my shower, I change into my t-shirt, next sit in my bed, a notification pops on my screen.

Thomas :
You up?

Yeah, why?

Thomas :
I'll be over in 15, leave your window open.

Okay, I'll see you in a bit.

I get up to open my window, then go back into bed. I go back to fiddling with my phone until there is a knock on my window door. I sit up and Thomas steps into my room.

"Hey baby." Thomas walks over to my bed and gets into bed with me.

"Why are you here?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I wanted to have a late night drive with you." Thomas replied.

"Let's go then. Let me put on shorts first." I say. I was about to stand up but Thomas pulled me into him causing me to straddle him.

"Don't you want to go for a late night drive?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"I like this much better though." Thomas whispered in my ear. "Is your mom home?" Thomas asked.

"What time is it." I inquired.


"Nope. She shouldn't be here." I smirk.

"Perfect." Thomas quickly attacks the crook of my neck. Leaving love bites on my neck.

I pull away and stare into Thomas's eyes and watch as a glint of lust goes off, turning into something that could burn all of California," I'm ready."

Thomas gives no hesitation and lets his hands travel up and down my body. I kiss his lips passionately not wanting to pull away, leaving love bites.  Thomas lifts up my shirt and pushes me back. I remove Thomas's shirt and he removes his pants.

"Madelyn! We're home." My mom calls out.

"Shit. Thomas you need to leave." I began to put on my shirt.

I hear footsteps come up the stairs," Hurry Thomas."

Thomas makes his way towards the window," Bye Juliet." Thomas gives me a peck on my lips.

"Bye Romeo." I say smiling. I run towards my bed and get under my sheets quickly.

David walks in,"Was everything alright?"

I sit up, "Yeah it was."

"Well goodnight." David shuts the door awkwardly.

I fall back into my pillow, I was so close to sealing the deal with Thomas.

I call Harper hoping she'd pick up quickly which she did.

"" Harper voice becomes quiet, but in the background I hear the sound of-pounding skin.

"Holy shit. Did you seriously answer my phone call when you were having sex with Wyatt!" I gagged.

"Yes, now Bye." Harper hangs up.

I face palm myself, why the hell did she answer if she clearly was busy. How the hell would I be able to sleep tonight.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." Someone whispered in my ear. "I said wake up bitch."

I shoot up," What the hell Harper. Was a pillow getting thrown at me necessary?"

"Very necessary now get up, we have to pack." Harper walks towards the closet.

I rub my eyes,"Pack for what? It's 12 p.m"

"For your stay with the Millers." Harper says in a duh-tone.

"All I really need is a couple of shirts, and shorts." I get up into my bathroom to brush my teeth.

"But you need to make a good impression on them!" Harper shouts from my closet. 

"I don't think I need to make that great of an impression." I shout back.

"I don't care what you say you're going to look hot for them."

"Whatever." I go back into my room and roll my eyes.

Harper squealed and threw an outfit at me," You will look bomb in this outfit."

I examine the outfit, floral off the shoulder top with ripped jeans," I guess."

Harper clapped her hands," Perfect! So..." Harper sat next to me," Why'd you call last night?"

"Oh maybe because I was about to seal the deal with Thomas." I grin.

"Holy shit!" Harper starts to jump up and down."Wait, what do you mean about to seal the deal."

I groan remembering how my mom came home at the wrong time," Because my mom came home."

"You guy should've kept going."

"Well then David walked in."

"Oh ew."

"I know right."

Harper stands up," Well c'mon let's go see Thomas and Wyatt."

"Let me go get changed."

We drove to Wyatt's house for his pool, it was 2 p.m and it was a blazing hot day in California.

"Hold Bella Harper, do you seriously want her to die." I smack Harper as I drive.

"She's feisty today." Harper defends.

"Whatever, you have to food right?" I ask keeping my eyes on the road.

"Yes mom." Harper scoffs.

I roll my eyes, how the hell did I get such a sassy friend?

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