Just Keep Swimming

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"Hurry up Luke!" Harper pounds on his bedroom door,"I swear we will leave you. Dylan go get your brother."

Luke opens up his door in an annoyed look,"You're annoying Harper you know that?"

"So I've been told, but your opinion doesn't affect me," Harper flips her blonde hair towards Lukes face.

"Oh you're so dead!" Luke chases after Harper down the stairs, but he's not agile like me so he ends up falling down the stairs face first.

Harper falls to the ground breaking out in laughter,"Holy shit I might pee myself!"

I laugh with Harper and see Luke's face turn red,"Can we hurry up and go?" Luke asks.

"We've been waiting for you," Harper stands up and wipes the tears from her eyes.

Miles intertwines his fingers with mine as we walk to the car, we hop into the backseat while Dylan and Harper are in the front, leaving poor Luke sitting in the way back. In Harpers words she wanted to be "far away" from him.

I pull Miles sweatshirt over my head using it as a cover up for my bikini along with some random pair of shorts.

"You know what would be pretty funny?" Miles hot air breathes on my neck.

"What?" I squeak out quietly.

Miles places his hand on my thigh and uses his thumb to brush over my skin,"It would be funny if I did this in the car, while everyone was around."

"Mhm very funny," I couldn't breath, gosh was it hot in here.

Miles kisses my neck, he brings his hand higher and higher.

"Guys I think they're about to f-" Luke calls from the back. Miles quickly removes his hand and holds my hand instead.

I've never seen a human being turn as quickly as Harper. Harpers blue eyes shimmer in the sun as she smiles,"While we are in here? Wow Madelyn who have you become."

I roll my eyes,"We didn't do anything."

"The fact you're as red as a tomato says otherwise,"Harper smiles and turns around.

I look up and Miles he smirks, "I like that I have this affect on you darling."

I kiss Miles cheek and place a hand near his 'area', Miles slightly moves. His face darts to mine and he slightly turns red.

"I like that I have this affect on you darling," I mock.

"Finally we are here, that felt like forever, plus the sexual tension in the car was suffocating me,"Harper exaggerates.

"Like there isn't something with you and Dylan," I snort.

"There isn't," Harper flips her blonde hair.

"Whatever you say babe," she was good at hiding it, I knew there had to be something.

I grab my towel and follow Miles towards the crowd, they hadn't started a bonfire yet since it was still light out but everyone seeming to have gotten the beers out.

"My mate!" A tall scrawny man smiles and pulls Miles into those bro hugs. His eyes dart to mine,"And whos this beautiful lady?"

"Madelyn," I smile and shake his hand.

"Landon, what's the relationship between the two of you?" Landon smirks at me.

"My girlfriend," Miles snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

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