Phat and Fat

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It was already July 12th and the days have seemed to blend together. Fourth of July was a total blackout due to whatever I drank that night. But soon everything would be brought up again, all the memories. My dads birthday. Just one week, one week and it's game over for me.

Whenever it's his birthday I go batshit crazy. Drinking, partying, someone really needs to cut me off of alcohol. This year was different, it was with Miles. He still didn't know the truth of course, I just don't know how I would tell him.

In my head I feel that if I told him he'd leave because he wouldn't want to deal with my problematic ass. Childhood trauma of finding my own fathers body and hearing the killers actually talk. Round of applause for me not being able to stop them, where's my medal? Note the sarcasm.

"What are you thinking of darling?" Miles ask looking down at me since I was laying on his stomach.

"My dads birthday is coming up in about a week," I fight back the tears and squeaky voice. You'd think I would have handled this better after how many years. But oh please-no daddy daughter dance for me.

I feel Miles slowly stroke my back, "What do you want to do for his birthday?"

"I was thinking of going to see my grandma, his mom, and maybe see his grave." I respond back, I smiled at the thought that I'd finally see Bella after it's been how long?

"I can take you there if you want," Miles ask smiling.

"If you really want to, you don't have to." I smile back, Thomas was always creeped out by grave yards, he's never seen my dads grave.

"I maybe thought tonight we could have Harper over and all of us can watch a movie, how does that sound?"

"It sounds nice," I sit up from Miles stomach and straddle on his torso. "Am I enough for you?"

Miles furrows his eyebrows, "Always, but why do ask that question?"

I probably have daddy issues, I'm insecure, god why am I freaking out, "I'm just wondering."

Miles flips us over so that he's in between my legs and towering over me. Miles starts kissing me, everywhere on my face.

"Ew Miles, they're slobbery," I squeal.

"I." A kiss on my cheek. "Love." A kiss on my other cheek. "Everything." A kiss on my forehead. "About." Another on the tip of my nose. "You," this time Miles doesn't kiss me, he stares at my eyes. I watch as his eyes bounce place to place on my face. Could he see some acne scars? Could he see any flaw of mine? Miles and I make eye contact and I smile.

Miles leans in and kisses me. It didn't feel like the other kisses him and I have shared. This one felt accepting, I accepted every word he said, I felt that now I don't have to worry. I don't know what it felt like for him but now I know for sure I trust him.

Miles pulls away and looks down, grinning like a little kid. Miles looks up, I grab his chin and lean in kissing him making this kiss more deep. Miles hand cups my cheek, we pull away gasping for breath.

"Holy shit," Miles huffs.

"What?" I smile.

"I just can't believe I landed the most beautiful girl in this world." I blush at Miles words.

"Why can't you believe it?" I ask with my face heating up every second.

"Because I don't deserve an amazing girl like you," Instantly he cups my face again but this time only pecking my lips.

"Luke sit your ass down!" Harper yells at Luke.

"You mean this phat ass or this fat ass? Oh who am I kidding this ass is both," Luke smiles sitting on the ground by my legs.

Siting next to Miles I cuddle in closer with him.

"Can you guys pick a movie already? God." Dylan rolls his eyes as he searches through Netflix.

"Do a scary movie!" Harper squeals.

"Hell no, an action packed movie," Luke throws popcorn at Harpers hair.

"Stop it you idiot," Harper sticks her tongue out at Luke.

"You're the one who looks like an idiot," Luke shoots back.

"You ass!" Harper goes to lunge at Luke but Dylan holds her back.

"Easy girl." Dylan says telling Harper.

"You mean this phat and fat ass!" Luke bust out laughing.

I snicker to myself knowing Dylan won't be able to contain the crazy Harper.

Harper breaks out of Dylan's grip and lunges for Luke. I grin watching how they wrestled, I look up at Miles noticing how he was looking at me.

"What are you staring at?" I lift an eyebrow.


"Well obviously, but why?"

"Can't I stare at the beautiful girl in front of me," Miles wraps both his arms around me bringing me closer to him.

"Keep sweet talking me lover boy, you might score some points tonight," I joke. I look up and see amusement flash in Miles expression.

"Luke and I have come to an agreement that we are watching Scary movie." Harper announces.

"An agreement between you and Luke? That's a first." I laugh.

I open my eyes and the room is dark, only the light is the tv is on. I try reach across the couch to grab to remote but Miles pulls me closer to him.

"No Wyatt don't," I hear the faint whisper of Harper. I sit up and look on the ground, Harper is asleep next to Dylan. "Please." Harper says again.

No no no.

I'm about to push Miles arms off when I Dylan's shadow wrap around Harper bringing her in close. I near Dylan whisper faint words,"Shh I got you. He's not here anymore."

After being awake and no longer hearing Harper sleep talk, I lean into Miles chest. I listen to the beat of his heart.

"Miles?" I whisper to see if he's awake. I run my finger through his hair. "Thank you, I don't have the words to explain why I'm thanking you. But thank you for just being here."

"Anything for you darling," I hear Miles respond back.


Your comments are killing me, in a good way though. I love seeing everyone comment it makes me smile. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy <3

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