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"Baby!" Thomas said in a girly voice while running up to me.

"Hey." I smile as Thomas picks me up and spins around.

Thomas drops me and kisses me.

"I never get tired of doing that to you." Thomas says making me smile ear to ear. "Let's go out to Wyatt's pool now."

Thomas holds my hand and leads me to Wyatt's pool even though I knew where his pool was. When we reach outside, of course Harper and Wyatt are making out.

"Get a room guys." Thomas laughs.

"Shut up." Wyatt scowls.

We stayed outside until the sun was no longer there. We laid out on Wyatt's patio with a bond fire keeping us warm. I huddled with Thomas and Harper cuddled with Wyatt.

I stand up, I still haven't told Thomas about staying with the Miller brothers.

"Hey Thomas lets go for a walk, yeah?" I extend my hand out.

"Sure." Thomas takes my hand and leads me the middle of Wyatt's House garden, which has a fountain.

We walk around the fountain," So uh Thomas."

"Yes babe," Thomas asks.

"Tomorrow, Ill be staying with the Millers." I mumbled.

"As in like Lucas, Dylan..." Thomas paused a lightly tightened his grip on my hand," Miles."

" you know them?" I ask.

"Let's just say we aren't all good friends."

I stare down at my feet, I wanted to know what happened between them. Like c'mon I've been with Thomas for almost three years and not once have I heard about these Millers. Maybe here and there but I never paid much attention to them.

Thomas tilts my chin up,"You know you can always stay with me right?"

I smile gratefully, knowing I had such an amazing boyfriend,"Yes I know but where I stay isn't my choice."

"Well how long will you be staying with them, a week or two?" Thomas asked.

"More like the whole summer." I was scared to see how he'd react.

"Oh hell no." Thomas stands up and runs his hand through his copper hair, ruffling it up.

"Thomas it's fine." I try to calm him down.

"No it's not!" Thomas snaps.

"Please." I beg."Calm down." Thomas stops and looks at me, I searched for the Thomas I knew, this right now, wasn't the Thomas I knew.

"I'm sorry Madelyn." Thomas grabs my arm pulling me into his arms. The arms that felt like home. Thomas pulls away to stare back at me," How about Saturday, the day after you're situated at the Millers house we come to Wyatt's house for a party. Does that sound good?"

"Sounds lovely." I stand on my tippy-toes and kiss Thomas.

The world was no match for us.

The Summer We First MetWhere stories live. Discover now