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This chapter contains a rape scene and wouldn't recommend reading it, if you are sensitive about the topic

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating, twenty seven missed calls, one hundred and thirty eight text messages, all from Luke. Luke's caller ID pops up, I politely answer because he's the only Miller boy who's not Miles.


"Where the hell have you been!" Luke practically screams into the phone.

"I've been at Harpers, why?" I ask in a groggy tone.

"Well you leaving yesterday has pissed the fuck out of Miles!"

"Sounds like a him problem." I say in a monotone voice.

"Get home now!"


"What-what did you just say?" Luke scoffed.

"Did I stutter? I'm not coming home, I'll be staying
with Harper, now buh bye."

"Mad-" I quickly hang up, I let out a deep groan.

"What time is it?" Harper sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Like eleven," I say in a dull tone.

"Well let's get up, and go to the beach."

The salty smell of the ocean brought back memories that overflowed my head. I held my beach towel closely to my body, I felt the slight tug on my arm causing me to flinch.

"I know this place meant a lot to you and Thomas, but it was the best thing I could think of to distract you. We can go if you want to." Harper remarked.

"No no-we are fine, I'm fine." I slowly say.

Harper leads me towards the water, but stop at the edge of the sea, my head was blank, my heart felt heavy, like a pang in my chest. I slowly sit down near the edge while Harper sun bathed.

He said I love you. He said I was beautiful. Why can't I just hate him, why can't I just get him out of my head! I bring my knees to my chest and lean my head on my arms, I close my eyes. The way he just made my stomach feel, the electricity that would run through my body when he touched me, his dumb smile that made my day.

I wasn't worth it was I, I was just a game, a quest. I could taste the warm salty water in my mouth, but it wasn't the sea, it was my own tears. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I still remain to cry. Their hands slowly stroke my hair. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to them. I never wanted to leave.

"You May have lost someone who didn't love you, but he lose someone who truly loved him." A deep voice whisper in my ear.

I pull away me turn around,"Luke what the hell, go!"

"Hurry up and lets go back, Miles is losing his mind!" Luke tried to grab my hand but I stand up.

"No." I run.

I hear my name get called but I refused to look back.

I wish I had brought a sweatshirt, I have been walking around in nothing but my swimsuit and I'm starting to think people are assuming that I'm a prostitute. The sun was starting to set and it was getting colder by the hour. I hear the light sound of rocks being rolled over, the crunching sound. I turn around and see a too familiar car.

"Madelyn, what are you doing out here, in just a swimsuit." I don't answer. "Madelyn get in the car." I continue to walk, ignoring his words. "Madelyn get in the fucking car!" His horn honks as he smashes his fist down in his steering wheel.

I snap my head towards the car, I stomp up to his car," I have nothing to say to you! Don't you get that! You broke my fucking heart."

"Madelyn please, just let me drive you home." Thomas pleads.

My head said no, but my feet said yes and carried me to the passenger side of the car. I place my hand on the car door handle, I slowly open it and reluctantly get into the car. The cold leather seat making me jump.

"Here take my sweatshirt." Thomas takes of his sweatshirt and holds it out to me.

don't take it you know you'll regret it.

"Madelyn, please." I looked into his eyes, his damn hazel eyes that made me fall for him.

I carefully take it out of his hands and place it over my head and put it on. The nostalgic smell of his cologne.

Thomas began to drive, I looked outside, watching the world go by too fast while my head went to slow. I still couldn't process the week, the month. How maybe if I didn't go to his house I wouldn't have found out, and I'd still be known as his girl.

"Madelyn...I-I'm sorry for hurting you. For doing that to you." Thomas voice breaks.

"You don't know how much I hate you right now Thomas, words cannot describe how much anger I have towards you. Two fucking years Thomas!" I cry,"Two fucking years wasted because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants."

"I was drunk!" Thomas tried to defend.

"So what if you were drunk! That's not a reason to cheat!"

Thomas pulls over and places his head in his hands,"I didn't want to lose you, I never wanted to, that night I told her to come over, not to have sex with her but to end things with her-"

"Oh so you've been cheating for a long time then?"

"No just listen, it was a three month fling, but she came onto me, and I just took my chance, and just did what I did. You weren't supposed to find out, I was going to end things with her."

"But you did it, I found out. You have no excuse anymore. You lied, I gave you my virginity, and you said you loved me. You lied."

"I never lied Madelyn!" Thomas yells.

I open the car door and start walking, I wasn't even close to being back to the house but I didn't care, I don't want to spend another minute with him. I hear the car door slam and the heavy footsteps follow me.

"Go away Thomas." I angrily huff.

"No you don't fucking understand!" Thomas yells.

"I don't understand?" I scoff," You don't understand what if feels like to fucking get your heart broken!"

Thomas shoves me into the nearest tree, I wince in pain. Thomas starts placing wet kisses on my neck.

"Thomas stop." He continued, I tried to get him off but his weight was pressed onto me,"Thomas!"

His mouth stops me from screaming as he kisses me, slipping his tongue into my mouth. His hands traveled up and down my body. He stops at the hem of my swimsuit. He slowly pulls them down. My head finally processed what he was doing.

Thomas slowly slips a finger, then another and slowly pumps them in and out, I shut my eyes, the discomfort, the burning feeling, this wasn't the pleasure he had once before given me. I felt hot tears slip out my eyes.

I hear his belt get undone, his pants drop, he lifts my body up and starts kissing my neck. I couldn't scream, I stood there numb, it was going to happen.

My body falls, I hear the grunts, the bone crackling sound. But I lay there, on the ground, with blank thoughts, numbness.


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