Drunk Actions

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I got out of Harpers car and happily ran up to Thomas's house. The house seemed dark inside but maybe he was just asleep. I've been invited into the Coppers house ever since Thomas and I began dating. Everyone one in his family loved me, surprisingly his mom too. I took out my spare key he had given me for our second year anniversary and opened the door.

Nobody came to greet me, but Thomas's car was parked out in the front so it's most likely he's home. My feet walked with instinct, I knew how many steps it was from the front door to his bedroom, which door led to his room, I could even tell if I was blindfolded.

I touched the door handle and opened it quietly. My heart dropped, I opened it all the way. Maybe my eyes weren't seeing right in the dark. I rubbed my eyes but I was seeing it. I was watching Thomas kiss her, his hands roamed her body. She moaned his name, he kept saying he loved her. They kept going, not even noticing my presence.

My eyes burned with tears, I stood there frozen hoping that maybe it was all a bad dream, that I'd wake up in his arms. I slowly started backing away from the door but I accidentally squeaked and they stopped. She got off of Thomas, Thomas flipped on a light and his eyes went wide-eyed.

"Madelyn.."Thomas winced.

My feet ran, they carried me out the front door. But my wrist were caught by Thomas's hands.

"Baby listen I'm so-"

"No Thomas!"I scream."Almost three fucking years, you took my virginity, then a few days you go and have sex with another girl!"

"I'm a little drunk right now!"Thomas tries to defend.

"Alcohol is not a reason to cheat!"I yell back. I'm about to storm off but Thomas backs me into a wall and kisses me.

I pushed back,"No! You don't get to do that to me." Hot tears streamed out more.

"No! You don't get to leave me!"Thomas hit the wall next to me making me jump.

"Thomas, it's fucking over!" I duck under Thomas arms and begin running. I didn't look back at the house, I didn't care that it would take me fifteen minutes to run back to the house, I just wanted to go home.

But home was in Thomas arms. Almost three years, and now it was down the drain. We talked about having a future together, we talked about getting married. But now what? It was all gone, no more Madelyn and Thomas. He took my virginity, then goes and cheats, but I still hate how I love him.

He said he loved me...but then why would he do what he did.

My feet had carried me back to the house. Miles, Luke, and Dylan's car were all parked, I didn't want them to see me like this. I wiped my eyes and kept my head down. I wasn't ready to face everyone, especially Miles. I opened the door, I slowly walked to the stairs making sure to keep my hood up but my head down. I wanted to be invisible, hide from everyone for as long as I lived.

"Madelyn?"Dylan ask.

"Y-Yeah?" I quaked.

"Are you okay?"Dylan touches my shoulder.

I jerk away,"I'm fine."

I run upstairs making sure not to stop, I heard them call my name, but I didn't answer. I just want to go back to sleep, wake up and this would've been a nightmare. I finally make it to my room, I slam it shut, locking it. I run to my bed, and just cry.

You weren't good enough, that's why he cheated. He got bored of you, he didn't love you. It's all your fault, you should've been prettier.

My head was clouded with why he cheated, if our relationship was all just a joke. I realize I was wearing his sweatshirt, I quickly take it off throwing it across the room so it was far enough away from me.

There was a light knock on my door,"Madelyn, it's Miles open up..." there was a pause,"please."

"Go away." I whimper.

"I will bust open this door."Miles voice quietly bellowed.

"I don't c-" The door swings open, I sit up.

Miles studies my face, I turn away and lay back down, bringing the covers closer to my face. I hear the door close but I know better than to look up. I hear his elephant footsteps come around the bed, I peek over the covers and Miles looks at me.

"What's wrong?"Miles soothingly whispers.

I don't answer hoping he'd go away.

Miles pulls away the covers from my face. His jaw drops, Miles climbs into bed with me, I turn around and face my back to him.

"Madelyn who made you cry?"Miles whispers in my ear. I was getting ready to spill, but he doesn't care. He never did when he hurt my feelings, he will never care in the future.

"I was coming home from the park and fell."I answered.

"What did I say to you about lying to me."Miles scoots closer to me.

I didn't answer.

"You can't lie to me Madelyn."Miles huskily says.

"I swear."I whisper.

Miles flips me making me face him. His grey eyes stared right into my brown eyes, he tried searching for his answer, but my eyes went full, bland. Miles breaks our eye contact and begins drawing shoulders on my arms.

"I know you're lying to me, it's okay, but you will talk to my mom tomorrow." I was to tired to say no.

Miles stands up,"I'll leave you alone tonight."Miles leans down to kiss my forehead.

I flinch at his touch, he stands back up and frowns. I watch him walk out, I wanted to tell him to stop and sleep with me, but a hole engulfed me. I kept quiet, I let the sleep and loneliness take over.

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