Kinky Stuff

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I go downstairs to find Dylan, Luke, and Miles sitting around the island shirtless.

"Mind, putting on some clothes." I requested.

"Don't enjoy the view?" Luke joked.

"As a matter of fact I don't." I roll my eyes. "Where's Amanda?" 

"Work." Dylan answers. Before I could ask, Dylan says his dads on a business trip.

"Well then cook me a meal please." I beg.

"We don't know how to cook." Luke scratches the back of his head.

"I swear I'm living with grown children." I face palm myself. "Someone go get me Advil for this headache."

Dylan stands up," Your fault for challenging me."

"Yeah yeah whatever." I shoo him off.

Dylan later comes back with Advil which I happily gulp down. I search the cabinets for food, I spot lucky charms at the very top. I groan knowing I'd I have to step on the counter to get to the lucky charms.

I step on the counter and stand on my tippy toes to get the lucky charms. I bite my lip as I try to get it, after finally reaching it I smile, hop down, and turn to the Brothers who are all smirking.

"Told you she had a nice ass," Dylan elbows Miles.

Miles looks at me and smirks.

I start to become annoyed and angry, but my phone pings and I skip to the living room. I grab my phone and go back into the kitchen just to see that Dylan, Luke, and Miles are all eating the cereal.

"Hey!" I smack the back of Dylan head, grabbing the box of lucky charms. I go on the other side of the island and check my phone.

I'm sorry about yesterday baby.

The moments from yesterday ran through my mind.

Its fine Thomas.

How about dinner tomorrow, we can stay at a hotel, maybe finish what we started Wednesday ;)

I felt my cheeks heat up, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Boyfriend?" Luke asked.

I look up from my phone," Maybe."

Miles cocks his head to the side," You weren't joking?"

I look at Miles blandly,"Yes, boyfriend of almost three years."

"I feel sorry for him." Miles chuckles.

"Why do you say that?"I ask.

"I mean- look at you."

"Well Thomas loves me and I love him." I roll my eyes, how pathetic of him.

Miles stops laughing," Thomas Cooper?"

Luke stands up and makes his way upstairs," The one and only." 

Miles lets out a deep laugh,"You sure have a keeper, that guy is a wuss."

I walk over to Miles and he follows my gaze. I grab him by the chin making him face me,"Listen here Miles, you better shut up before I shove my fist down your throat."

I pull away from miles and stomp upstairs to my room. I look down to see a notification on my phone:

I'm so sorry babe but I can't do that. Sorry if I got your hopes up but I got to go now:/ sorry.

I clench my fist, I needed a break from boys and I called up the only person who knew how to do that. Sleep.

Over the past few days I would wake up to sounds of like footsteps. It turned out to be Miles one night when I finally had the courage to get up. Me being the curious person I am, I wanted to follow.

"Okay wait you're telling me Miles, gets up in the middle of the night to do something?" Harper asked.

"Uh yeah isn't that what I said." I face palm myself.

"But like he's a guy, don't we all sneak out." Harper points out.

"But to where? Where does he go?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe after a girl." Harper shrugs.

I laugh,"A girl? I don't think so."

"Fine then let's follow him tonight." Harper spoke.

I lift an eyebrow,"That's not a bad idea."

We had stayed up and we were ready in dresses.  I wore a dark red, sparkly dress while Harper wore a light pink, sparkly dress instead.

(Madelyn's dress)

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(Madelyn's dress)

(Madelyn's dress)

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(Harpers dress)

"Dude it's like two a.m when is Miles going to come out his room?" Harper asked.

"I don't k-" we heard the door lightly close. I walked over to my bedroom door and peeked through the crack of the door. Miles walks past the door, I signal Harper to walk over to me to follow me downstairs. We stand at the foot of the stairs to watch Miles walk out the door and out to his motorcycle.

We slowly creep towards Harpers car, we hop in and follow far behind. We had gone to downtown where the city was surprisingly busy for this time. Miles went down an alley.

"Stop right here." I say.

The car comes to a stop, we were one street down from where Miles was at.

"Do you have the fake ID's?" I ask Harper.

Harper pulls out two fake ID's and smiles," Of
Course. Also.." Harper reaches in the back of her car and gives me an eye mask."This is so nobody knows who we are."

I stare down at the eye mask Harper gives me," Why is this in your car."

"Wyatt's into some kinky stuff." Harper winks at me.

I began to cringe and freak out,"Ew. Ew. Ew."

"I'm joking gosh, now let's go."

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