Damn you Miles

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I didn't leave the bathroom until thirty minutes later. My feelings were now confused, mixed, damn you Miles. I opened the door, Miles wasn't in my room and I sighed with relief. I flop on my bed and groan. I didn't like Miles for what he did.

I hear my door squeak, I jolt up getting ready to make a run for it, but it wasn't Miles it was Luke thankfully.

I sigh with relief,"What do you want?"

Luke stand at the doorway,"Can I come in?"

I nod and Luke enters,"So what's been up?"

"Nothing." I reply back flatly.

Luke gives me a look, the look that says 'I know what's up'. "I just haven't been feeling well, okay?"

Luke throws his hands up in defense,"Okay, Okay." We sit in silence for a while. "Do you want to go do something?"

I bury my face into my pillow,"No."

"Oh c'mon it'll be fun."

"I said no."

I feel a wack to my butt and shoot up,"What the bell Luke!"

"Sorry your ass was sticking out and I couldn't help myself." Luke smirks.

I smack his chest and cross my arms. Luke scoops me up, carrying over my shoulder.

"Luke what the heck drop me down right now!" I start to hit his back.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of how amazing I am."Luke shouts back.

Luke walks downstairs still having me over his shoulder. Luke walks past the living room where Miles is. We make eye contact but I turn away. Luke finally carries me outside in his car and drops me in there.

"You're heavy for a girl." Luke laughed.

"You're shitty for a boy, oh wait I forgot most guys are shitty."I cross my arms.

Luke starts up the car and starts to drive. Luke pulls up into a cute diner. I smile so hard that my cheeks begin to hurt. I get out and run towards the door like a child who's about to enter in a candy shop.

I sit down at a booth while Luke used the bathroom. Once he's back the waiter comes by, she pushes up her chest to make her chest look bigger, she arched her back so much that I cringe at how much she's trying.

"My names Diana I'll be your server. What can I get you?" She turns to Luke, bending over the table making sure she'd show him a 'sneak peek' of what she has for him. Diana places her hands on his thigh.

Luke places his order then turns to me,"What would you like babe?" Luke's eyes beg me to go along with it.

Diana turns to me and sends me a glare. "I'd like a double cheeseburger, hold the pickles, mustard, and ketchup." I try to send my greatest smile.

"I'll be right back." Diana grits through her teeth, then walks away.

"Those girls are all over me."Luke takes a sip of his coke while running his hands through his hair.

"You wish they were." I roll my eyes.

"Look behind you."Luke smirks.

I turn around and he wasn't lying, girls were drooling all over him.

I cringed,"Leave those horny girls to themselves."

Luke laughs.

"Wait so you're telling me that when you were five you fell down the stairs and acted like you forgot who you were. And you're parents took you to the hospital and everyone was stumped?"


"Yes!" I start laughing like a maniac.

"Oh my gosh!" Luke laughs with me. "Well we should get going it's getting late and you know my moms going to flip if you're not home when she's home."

I nod and follow Luke out, before I opened the diner door Luke jerks me back, spinning me around. His hands are on my hips, and my hands are around my neck. Luke mouths sorry, I'm about to ask what but Luke stops me by being us lips to mine.

Luke kisses me , passionately then pulls away. Luke lowers to my ear,"One of those girls touched my butt."

I chuckle,"You didn't have to kiss me for that. You could've told them to stop."

"I know, but I rather kiss you."

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