What They Want They Get

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All three of us walk out, Luke wasn't with me watching the fight, but judging by Luke's personality, he was most likely at the bar or dance floor.

"Good job big bro, even though there was no boxing gloves allowed you still somehow won," Luke ruffles Miles hair.

Miles was limp, dangling an arm over Luke for support while walking. This was getting more dangerous. Luke places Miles into the backseat and a groan escapes his lips. I get in to sitting close to Miles.

Each time we pass by a street light I was able to see the bruises on his face. The purple, green tint formed under his eyes.

I pull his shirt up, slowly. Pulling up his shirt revealed a bigger bruise on his side. I graze my fingertips over it, Miles winces, looking up at him I see his eyes are closed and he's biting on his lower lip.

"Okay we're here, help me out Madelyn, just incase my mom and dad are home they can't see him like this," Luke gets out the car going to Miles side.

I walk over to him and throw Miles arm over my shoulder, "You're an idiot you know that?"

Miles looks at me smirking, "Your idiot though."

I roll my eyes and scoff, "Yeah, sure."

I walk over to his side hoisting him up with my right arm wrapping around his waist. Feeling his weight shift onto me I have to fix my posture. Luke and I carry him upstairs towards Miles's bathroom.

"Could you go grab me some cotton balls and an ice pack?" I ask Like.

"Yeah sure I'll be right back," Luke walks out leaving me and Miles in the bathroom.

After Luke comes back with everything I had needed I tend to Miles, dabbing peroxide on his cut above his eyebrow. Staring at all his bruises and cuts, I feel my heart plummet.

I go down on my knees, "Lift up your shirt."

Miles throws his head back into the wall while lifting his shirt. Dabbing small amounts of peroxide on his side causes a groan to escape his lips and a small murmur of profanity.

"Your knuckles," I grab his hand and start wrapping them in bandages. I could feel myself start to sink into a hole so deep that I feel as if I wouldn't be able to claw myself out. "I'm done," I quietly whisper.

I start walking out of the bathroom when my wrist gets pulled back, my back ends up hitting his chest.

"Talk to me Madelyn," I could feel the vibration on Miles chest as he talked, my wrist still being held from behind.

"I-I can't watch you do this anymore. I know you have a contract but I can't see you fight anymore. I don't want to see you coming home with bruises and cuts," as the words came spilling out of my mouth so did the tears from my eyes. I start to sniffle, "I don't wanna see you hurt."

My knees buckle and I fall to the ground, quietly crying. Miles arms still embraced me from behind, I could hear his breathing on my neck, "I know darling, two years will go by quickly. I'll be safe."

He's right, he'll be safe.

I stand in front of hell, absolute hell. But this school year I'll have to make the most of it, senior year. I look around at all the other kids in their groups, freshman, sophomores, juniors, and me, I can't believe it I'm actually a senior.

I walk into school with my backpack slung across my back. Why the hell am I here? I walk to my first class not to far, walking into the biology room I stare at everyone in my class. I could hear their faint whispers of Thomas and I. I roll my eyes taking a seat closest to the front away from the chatter. To my great surprise, Luke walks in. I feel my spirit rise realizing it might not be too bad after all.

"What the hell is this crap?" I run my fingers through my hair in frustration from receiving homework on the first day.

"Calm your tits," Luke says leaning back into his chair.

"Calm my tits? I don't understand this at all," I flop onto my bed, my legs sprawled everywhere.

"Well let me help you then," Luke slowly starts explaining everything bit by bit.

"I forgot you were smart," I grumble as I write down my answers.

"That's what you say, no thank you?" Luke lifts an eyebrow.

I sigh, "Thank you."

My phone lights up, Luke's eyes dart towards it, I was too late to grab it back and he already had the phone in my hand.

"Who's unknown?" Lukes brows furrow together, I watch as his jaw clenched together, how he tightens his grip on my phone.

"Give it back," I try reaching for it but he only pulls back.

"Are you cheating on M-" my hand darts over his mouth.

"Of course not," I whisper. "They're somebody from his boxing thing." I interlace my fingers together, "They started texting me when we got back from Sedona, they've been watching me."

Luke whispers,"Shit you need to tell Miles."

"I can't, don't you think I want to, they'll hurt him."

"Fuck they probably knew who you were when you followed me at the drive in." Luke stands up, pacing back and forth.

"I didn't follow you I was just there, why did they want you huh? You have secrets too I guess," I cross my arms.

"It's only because I owed money, why the hell do they want you?" Luke shuts my curtain. "They're watching you huh?"

"I don't know, it's for later they said. And ya they've followed me everywhere, I can sense it." My heart quickens at the feeling of sensing when they watch me, the tingling feeling running up my spine.

"Fuck you need to do whatever the hell they tell you, they're scary, they'll do anything in there power." Luke grabs my shoulders pressing me against the wall, "Tell me you promise to listen to them."

"I-I promise?"

"This isn't a game, they mean business, what they want they get."




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