Shark Week

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I wake up and pull away from Miles grip which was harder than it seemed. I run quickly to my bathroom, no no no this can't be happening. I sit on the toilet and my eyes widen. Holy crap! Blood is on my underwear. Oh my god did it leak on Miles bed. I run out of my bathroom butt naked and grab another underwear. I am the stupidest person ever, how could I forget my period! I open my bathroom cabinet, no freaking way. I shriek as I can't find any pads.

I wrap my underwear with toilet paper and run to Miles room. That big baby is still asleep, I peak over and see a small blood stain. I collapse to the ground and cry.

Miles shoots you and rubs his eyes, "Madelyn what's wrong?" Miles deep raspy voice suddenly makes Mrs too crying and more turned on.

"I-I got blood on your bed," I slowly die of embarrassment on the inside. "I am so sorry and I'll clean it up." I start to stand up and realize I have no pads and rather only toilet paper.

"Darling it's okay, it happens. Do you need anything?" Miles kneels and presses his forehead into mine.

I slowly nod," I-I need pads."

"Alright I'll be back quickly, go hop into my shower. I'll bring you clothes." Miles gulps,"Do you need me to get your underwear too?"

I awkwardly nod.

I follow miles into his bathroom, "I'd thought it would be messier, messy like your room."

Miles chuckles. Soon after he leaves me and I'm left sitting in the shower. The warm water pounds on me until I hear a knock on the door. I slowly open it and Moles stands there with my clothes and pads. I quickly take them as there is a race against gravity and my chance with putting on my underwear plus drying off.

After I finish putting on my shorts and sweatshirt I get out and Miles is siting on the bed with new comforter. My face goes red.

"Madelyn it's okay." Miles reassures me. "I invited Harper over, you and her can do whatever girls do on shark week."

I glare on his remark on shark week.

"I bought food too," Mikes points to the plastic grocery bags.

I shuffle over to where Miles points and my eyes go wide as I look at all the candy. I squeal with excitement and run to Miles hugging him. Causing him to stumble falling back on he bedDid I just- I think I just did.

"Oh my gosh, sorry I-I didn't mean to. I was caught up and a-" I get off of him.

"No it's good darling," Miles whispers in my ear, "I liked it."

Heat rushes to my face and I could feel myself turn bright red. In one swift motion I'm straddling Miles as his hands lay on my hips. Both of us are upright, I lean down and his lips touch mine. I honestly cannot get rid of this electricity feeling that rushes through every nerve in my body when I kiss him. I run my hands through his hair. He lightly bites my lower lip which causes me to moan. As I do he slips his tongue and suddenly I'm wanting to go further. Damn period.

The door what's open and Harper squeals, "You're on you're period I thought and you're going to have sex! Kinky stuff Miles!"

I mentally face palm and pull away. I get up and start shove Harper out of the room. I mouth 'sorry' and all Miles does is smile.

"My bad for interrupting," Harper giggles as she jumps onto the couch.

"It's not like I could do anything," I roll my eyes.

"You could give him a b-"

I cut her off," Don't finish that."

"Whatever," Harper grins. "I brought over two movies, Shrek and High school musical."

I give a lopsided smile," Shrek obviously."

I shriek as Harper flings a pillow at me," You ass!"

I run over and push her onto the couch and bombard her with pillows. Along with that her shirt slowly rises and my eyes widen. I stop throwing pillows, everything stopped.

Harper quickly puts down her shirt and stumbles trying to get across the living room floor. Her shirt rides up again, again my eyes widen.

"Harper...who did this?" I take Harpers hand and help her up, she breaks loose from my grip.

"I fell," Harper begins to get all her things.

"No harper who did this!" I yell.

Her eyes become glassy, "He did it." She falls to her knees. "He said he wouldn't do it again."

I fall down to her level, my eyes water as I realize,"Leave him."

Her head whips fast towards me, "No! I can't! I love him! He was my first."

"It isn't love if he's doing this to you. Harper its abusive, please." I grip into her hand and squeeze it.

"I'll think about it," Harper gets up, and leaves.

I am left stunned, she was my world, my anchor for everything that went wrong in life. She needed me now and I'll be there for her.

"A kiss for your thoughts darling?" Miles ask smiling.

I sit on the counter and lightly swing my legs back and forth," I'm worried for Harper."

"Why's that?" Miles continues making us Mac and cheese which smells amazing.

Do I tell her? "Her-her boyfriend, Wyatt, I think he's been hitting her." My mouth goes dry and I fiddle with my hands.

Miles turns around and looks at me, he walks up to me and cups my face. He slowly leans in and kisses me, "We will sort this out."

"Okay," I squeeze his hand. "I trust you."




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