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"That was her, who knew he had a kid? His file didn't say anything about a girl. Now even though he's dead, he'll feel the pain of losing his daughter as a ghost."

"What will we do?"

"Nothing yet. For now, watch her, make her feel paranoid in every possible way." I smile evilly.


Opening my eyes instantly, and getting that headache, only do I get a headache on the day. I get out of bed, changing into something simple and warm. It was somewhat rainy and cold, how fitting. Changing into sweats and Miles sweatshirt I jog downstairs to already notice Miles awake.

"Funny to see you awake this early," I say grabbing a yogurt from the fridge.

"Well surprise, eat up; We'll go visit him today," Miles leans back on the counter.

"You're actually coming with?" I lift an eyebrow in all seriousness.

"Of course, and see your grandma." He remembered.

I chuckle awkwardly,"Yeah." This is bothering me so much, eyes on me, and it's not Miles. "Well let's go."

I place my hood over my head and walk out of the house with the rain pouring. Miles steps in front of me and open the door, I give him a small thank you and get in.

As we drive to the cemetery that was 30 minutes away Miles holds my hand. A few times I'll look up at him to see him content in looking at the road ahead of us, he'll turn to me giving me a small smile time to time.

"We're here," Miles breathes out. Noticing how he his voice was slightly shaky made me see he was somewhat nervous.

"You don't have to come, I'll be back in a few minutes," I reassure him.

"No no it's fine," Miles reaches into the back seat pulling out flowers. He scratches the back of his head awkwardly,"I didn't know to get him flowers or not and what kind but-I hope these are okay."

I smile looking down at the lilies, "They're perfect."

I get out of the car stepping onto the freshly wet grass. I hold hands with Miles as I lead him to the spot. Once there I hover over his name, I go down onto my knees and run my finger across the words.

'Loving Father, Husband, and Son'

I place the tulips down carefully and stand back up. I take in a few more moments staring at the gravestone.

"I love you Dad," I whisper quietly to myself. I look at Miles who had already been looking at me. "You ready to go?" I ask him.

"You head to the car I'll be there in less than two minutes." Miles says.

I nod and walk back to the car with the thought that everything's good now.


I stuff my hands into my pockets as I watch Madelyn go into the car.

"So..." I clear my throat. "You're daughters pretty great." I look up at the grave, I sound stupid, I bet someone is looking at me thinking I'm crazy. "I know that even though you aren't here that you're still watching over her seeing how amazing she is too. I-" I go quiet thinking over what I should say. "I think I'm feeling something toward your daughter, the uh-L word."

I pace back and fourth,"I promise that I'll take care of her, I would do anything for her. I can't even think about losing her, she's been the best thing to happen to me. I do hope I make her become my wife, and I will be back here to ask for your hand later on in life, I feel it."

I walk back to the car, getting in and noticing how Madelyn smiles. Her bright smile that makes me want to kiss her and so I do. I pull her in close and cup her cheek. Leaning into the kiss and feeling her lips press against mine make me go crazy. I feel my heart almost jump out of my chest.


I quickly got out of the car running up to my petite but somewhat wide Gram,"I missed you!"

I feel her frail arms wrap around my body,"I missed you too. Come in come in."

Miles steps inside and I watch him inhale deeply, taking in every little part of my Grams  house. Was she crazy? Little bit.

"I see you've brought a boy, he doesn't look like the one picture you showed me." My Gram whispers in my ear.

"The other one cheated," I whisper back.

Miles extends a hand towards my grandma,"I'm Miles."

"Susan, but you can call me gram,"  She sweetly smiles.

"I have something for you in the car I'll be right back sorry," Miles says before quickly jogging out of the door.

I follow Gram into the dinning area sitting on the chair. "Miles is sure one hot man, if I were young like you I would've already had s-"

"Let me stop you right there, I don't need to know the what you would do with my boyfriend and also did you visit him today?" I interrupt her.

"Obviously I always do, your grandpa and dad." I watch her move around swiftly getting out cookies.

Miles comes into the room holding flowers, "These are for you." Miles passes them to Gram, they were pink and somewhat big, different from what he had gotten my dad.

Gram smiles happily and takes them from him,"Such a sweet young man! Carnations too they're beautiful."

I hear faint barking coming from the backyard and hop to my feet jolting towards the back door. "Bella!" I squeal.

"Look at you," I pick her up as she licks my hands. "You're so big."

"Who's this?" Miles ask crouching next to me.

"Bella, my baby," I bring Bella in between me and Miles.

"If I'm being honest I'm kinda jealous of the dog," Miles laughs softly petting her hair.

I kiss Miles, "You don't have to worry."

Miles and I walk back to the car after talking with my Gram for an hour. I get into the car as does Miles who smirks at me.

"What?" I ask him amused with the expression in his face.

"You didn't think I didn't get you any flowers did you?" Miles reaches in the back pulling out red roses.

My face turns as red as the roses,"I-" I couldn't even talk being shook with excitement and embarrassment from my face heating up. "Thank you," I kiss him on the lips, grabbing his chin and pulling him closer to me to deepen it.

He puts his hand on the back of my hand pushing me closer to him.

"Hey! I don't need PDA on my road," my gram says knocking on my window.

I awkwardly pull away and smile at her. Miles looks down at me smirking before driving away. I couldn't stop looking at him and the roses.

I kinda do love him a little more each time.

Shoutout to @Queen-of-Crows for her comments😂

Hope everyone is staying safe especially those in Minnesota, everything that's happening now is a lot to deal with but let's not forget that we are all human and deserve to be treated as one. As everything happens in Minnesota keep George Floyd, his family, and everyone being affected in mind. Love you all💗

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