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"She's in here!" A high-pitched voice calls out,"God dammit Madelyn."

I slowly start to open my eyes, above me is a very angry Harper, "Madelyn, do you know what time it is, it is almost time for the party and yet I find you here passed out," Harper places her hands on her hips.

Wait, we haven't gone to the party?

"Yes Madelyn, we haven't gone yet, because we've spent the last twenty-minutes looking for you," Harper semi-yells.

Gosh I really have to stop saying my thoughts aloud.

I take in my surroundings, my closet? What the hell?

"Okay sorry, sorry," I start to stand up but legs give out on me. I collapse back down onto the floor. "I think I'll just stay home."

"Ugh fine," Harper rolls her eyes," Miles can watch you then, he's not going."

Everything flashed back, the pool, him asking me was all a dream?

"What? I don't need a babysitter," I stand up, thankfully, and cross my arms.

"Maddie, hunny, I love you to death, but you said you were getting ready instead you've wandered into your closet and fell asleep. We got home from the mall and dang did you pass out fast though. This also gives you and Miles a chance to 'go at it' if you follow."

My eyes widen and Harpers response, "No no no."

Yes yes yes

"Well Luke and I have to go, I'll see you later," Harper walks out of my closet, then out of my room.

I walk out my room to see a shirtless Miles. My eyes couldn't help but wander.

"Take a picture darling, it'll last longer," Miles smirks.

"I wouldn't want or need a picture of you," I groan looking away.

"Oh please, how else would you get off to me, surely there is no other guy who's as hot as me." That ego maniac.

"Keep dreaming, I know a lot of boys who are hotter than you," I really don't .

" Well don't you look like a rat," Miles chuckles.

"You don't look too good yourself Miller," I roll my eyes and walk to my bathroom. Dang Miles wasn't wrong.

I begin to brush my hair out as Miles stood in the doorway, " Did anything happen today...between us?"

"What are you saying?" Miles tilts his head.

"I don't know I-dream...pool," I jumble my words out.

Miles eyes gleam with excitement," Ah, were you thinking of me, scratch that question, I know you already do. But you were dreaming of me, eh?"

"No," I roll my eyes trying to play it cool but my heart was about to pound out of it's chest. "Don't think so highly of yourself."

Miles leans into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist," Too bad, I always think of you."

I turn towards Miles chest, could he hear how fast my heart was beating. I look up into his grey eyes, Miles moves a strand of hair out of my eyes, tucking it behind my ear. He presses his forehead against mine, I loved the warmth. His body heat radiating onto me, keeping me close to him. I slowly stand on my tippy toes as he leans in.

ding dong

Miles sighs, he kisses my forehead and leaves my room to answer the front door.

My phone vibrates on my bed, I pick up my phone slowly, my hands shaking. I slowly answer the phone, "Hello?"

"Madelyn!" My mom shouts through the phone.

I give a small smile to myself, "Hey mom, how's your trip?"

My mom hiccups, "It's-good. I need to tell you that-David and I decided to stay longer-maybe until next year, like-January."

My heart stops, it's like it has fallen out of my butt. "Wh-what? Mom you're drunk, maybe you're not thinking this through."

"I'm not that drunk, I've made my decision, you'll remain at the Miller's until further notice. I'll send monthly pay checks."

"No you can't do this to me!" I shakily reply, "I need you mom, I've needed you ever since dad died!"

"Don't talk to me that way, don't blame your fathers death on me."

"I'm not," I cry, "I've needed you, for a long time, I just needed you as a mother. Don't you understand?"

I hear hollering over the phone and my mothers happy shouts, the phone hangs up. The tears pricks at my eyes, I wipe my eyes as I hear the heavy footsteps.

Miles walks into my room but his eyes darken," What happened?"

"Nothing," I give a small smile.

"Cut the shit, I see right through those lies. You're like glass Madelyn, I see right through you."

"Don't try to read me Miles, you don't even know how to read in general." I fall back on my bed and face my back to Miles.

"Don't be snarky now," I feel the bed dip underneath me.

"Just go, go to some other girl who has a sex appointment with you. I won't be a challenge to you. You may see right through me, but I can see right through you too, and I actually know how to read."

I feel the weight shift under me, his footsteps getting fainter and fainter. I didn't want to push him away, I wanted the opposite actually. Yet I stand to wonder why I pushed him away. I lay there in my bed with the rushing thoughts of Miles, the rushing thoughts of him, the rushing thoughts of my dad.

My dad who was the root of my happiness, the root of anybody who met him happiness. My dad who's jokes caused never ending laughter. His smile that brightened the day for anybody, especially my mom. My dad and I had a bond that was tighter than how I used to double knot my shoes as a first grader. We always had our little moments, I was his princess, he was my king. The king that I adored and loved. I will forever love and adore him I told myself when I was little.

Until he was gone, slipped right through my fingers like sand. Gone in an instance, downhill from that moment on. My mom wasn't there to comfort me, rather she had other ways, by dating almost instantly. I wallowed in self hate, guilt, yet I was young and had done nothing that caused his death. At his funeral, I didn't cry for I couldn't. It wasn't because I didn't care, it was because it was like I was numb.

Miles freaking Miller, giving me this new feeling. A feeling that Harper didn't give me, a feeling Thomas never gave me. The feeling was unexplainable, it was like a force wanting to pull me to him. I feel myself start to follow that pulling force.

The Summer We First MetWhere stories live. Discover now