I don't know

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I wake up and my phone goes off ringing. I sit up and pull away from Miles grip, I run my eyes, "Hello?"

"Madelyn..." Harper," Please come get me, he's worse."

I jump to my feet and slip on my sweatshirt,"I'll be there in ten, Harper stay safe, I love you."

"I love you too Maddie, please hurry."

I shake Miles vigorously, "Miles wake up Harper needs me."

Miles eyes open and he jumps to his feet," I'll get Luke and Dylan get in the car now."

I run downstairs to the car and into the car. Miles runs out and tosses a different pair of keys to Dylan. Dylan goes into his car while Luke and into the car I'm in.

"Step on it." I growl.

We pull up to the big 'mansion' I run out of the car and into the house. Miles shouts my name but I'm too blinded by anger. I swing open the big oak door and Harper lays on the ground with specks of blood surrounding her. Above her stands Wyatt who holds a broken vodka bottle.

"Back the hell off of her Wyatt!" I shout and stomp towards him. I push his chest only causing him to lightly stumble.

"Madelyn don't!" Miles calls out.

I throw a punch to Wyatt's chest, Wyatt grabs my wrist and pulls the opposite way causing me to fall to my knees.

"That's right get on your knees like the slut you are," Wyatt spits.

I feel Wyatt's grip loosen and is now on the ground getting his ass beat by Miles and Luke. I weakly crawl to Harper and stroke her blonde hair.

"Dylan please help her," I cry.

"C'mon give her to me," Dylan scoops her up and carries her to the car. I watch as her blonde hair sways side to side, please let her be okay. I hear the engine roar to life and drive away.

"What the hell is going on here?" The voice makes me freeze.

I look up to see the boy I once loved stand there with his copper hair in front of his face.

Miles eyes dart to him, his eyes narrow. "Your buddy here has been abusing his girlfriend."

Thomas snorts," Well maybe she shouldn't do things that upsets him."

I feel rage explode in me, I stomp towards Thomas.

"Ah and little Miss.scaredy-cat, how have you been babe? Miles enjoying my sloppy seconds?"
Thomas smirks, that stupid ugly smirk.

I grab Thomas shoulders and smile, I give him my sweetest smile. I lean into his ear, " Actually he has been. He's given me something you've never given me, and that's pleasure you asshat."

I knew Thomas right in the groin," You bitch!" Thomas falls to his knees.

"This is for what you said about Harper," I punch his face. "This is for cheating in me," I knee him in his stomach. "Oh and this, this is for losing the greatest fucking thing that'll ever happen to you-me." I punch him square in his face causing his nose to bleed. His body falls to the floor, and I step over it. I walk to the car and patiently wait for Luke and Miles.

They walk out a couple minutes later, Miles and Luke get in the car.

"Where did Dylan take Harper?" I ask Miles as he drives.

"Most likely our house. After fighting with Thomas and Wyatt it would be to go to the hospital. They'd ask questions."

"Couldn't we press charges?"


I sit in the awkward silence. We pull up to the house and Luke gets out. I reach my hand on the handle but Miles stops me, "Don't, we're going somewhere."

It takes us about 20 minutes and we are far from everyone. We pull up to an open field, I follow Miles out of the car and into the field. He's definitely going to murder me.

Miles stops and the view of the sunset takes my breath away. Orange streams the sky, pink cascading colliding with blue, everything about the sunset is just peaceful.

"Wow.." I'm at a loss for words, "I've seen a lot of
sunsets but this one...its different." I mentally cringe at what I say.

"I like the view next to me much better," Miles sends a toothy grin.

I laugh and smack his very muscle-ly chest. We sit together in silence but my head bombards next with questions. Where was that place he took me? How did he even know those two guys? A boxing ring? Weights? Who the hell is this guy. What are we?

"I can tell your thinking, whenever you're thinking you bite your lip and stare at nothing. What's going on in your mind darling?" Miles brings himself closer to me. Our hands are only few centimeter apart and I crave from his warmth.

"That place, the place you took me to let of steam, what was that?" I ask.

Miles eyes go dull, leaving only a blank expression on his face, " It was just a hangout."

"A hangout doesn't usually have a boxing room, they have a tv and food."

"You was your food." Miles rolls his eyes.

"Don't avoid the question Miles." I want to know, I want to know who Miles Miller really is.

"It doesn't matter," Miles begins to walk away.

I stand up and follow,"Why can't I know?" I know I'm pushing his buttons, Miles picks up his pace.

"What about Jack Frost and Zavion, huh? Who are they?"

Miles turns around, his silver eyes are no longer blank, rather an expression I can't figure out, " Thursday, two a.m. "

"What?" I place my hands on my hips.

"I said what I said, be ready by then." Miles shoved his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

"But what are we," I don't dare look at him, I don't want to get hurt by the expression on his face.

I feel a warm hand cup my cheek, I finally look up and his silver eyes have lit up, " I don't know."

My heart stops, "What do you mean? Was I an obstacle, and now since you and I have kissed, no not kissed, made out. Now that we've made out you're d-"

Miles warm lips touches mine and move in sync. I shove him, "No I won't let you-"

"Madelyn if you could listen, I don't know how you'd feel. Darling you're always on my mind, you never left it from the first time I saw you," his thumb brushes my cheek. "I like you and I want to date you..."

I grab the hand that's on my cheek and pull it away from my face, holding it in my hand, "After Thursday, just wait."

He kisses my forehead and takes my hand, and I follow.


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