One of the Girls

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My eyes flutter open as I hear rustling from the outside of my room. Don't do it Madelyn, this is how people die, suddenly I find myself outside of my door. I hear the stumbling downstairs, I slowly creep downstairs. Activate spy mode.

I start forward rolling across the ground towards the island, I heard the rustling the closer I crept from the kitchen. I slowly peak over the island, the robber rustling through the drawer. I slowly open a cooking drawer, taking out a spatula, I may not have a pan like Rapunzel but I'll beat this robbers ass. Maybe he'll be turn out to be my Flynn Ryder.

I roll over towards closet side to the robber, i head the drawer close shut, their footsteps become closer, think Madelyn!

I stick out my feet and shut my eyes. I hear the sound of a heaving clunk, I open my eyes, I start whacking the robber with my hands. I hop on the robber, still continuing to smack the robber with the spatula.

"What the hell!" The robber shouts. They soon flip us over.

The robber snatches my spatula away, taking away  the only thing I had to defend myself, "Hey, that wasn't nice!"

The robber lets out a deep chuckle, the smell of alcohol fills my nose. The robber lays a hand next to my hand, his body hovering over mine.

"What the hell," the lights flash on, I turn to my left, the robber looking the same way, Miles. I hear footsteps trampling down the stairs waking over to Miles and peaking over, Dylan.

Dylan smirks,"Ah I see you're getting it on with my brother."

"Broth-" I turn back to the robber, freaking Luke with a smirk plastered on his face, and red spatula marks. I look down to see my legs wrapped around Luke's waist, Lukes face inches apart from mine, his blue eyes looking back down into my brown eyes. I hold my breath. I felt Luke's friend harden against my thigh, holy shit.

I turn back to Dylan and Miles, Dylan smiling, Miles on the other hand, fuming with anger. His jaw was clenched as well as his fist.

"Why the fuck is he on you," Miles snaps.

I slowly unwrap my legs around Luke, not breaking eye contact with Miles,"I-I thought he was a robber, so I decided to sneak down here, and hit him with a spatula."

Dylan burst out laughing but stops when Miles snaps towards Dylan burning holes into him.

I slowly stand up with Luke doing the same, "In my defense I was the one who was attacked," Luke raises his hands in defense.

I send him a glare, "You're drunk, and let me just say I am as blind as a rat."

"You look like one too," Luke murmurs.

I pick up the spatula from the ground and whack him with, "Shut up because you can't be talking."

Miles looks between Luke and I,"Dylan take Luke upstairs."

Luke hazily follows Dylan upstairs with an ice pack on his face. Miles and I stand far apart, our eyes staring at each other. Miles eyes go cold, his arms cross, a few strands of Miles black hair falls in front of his face.

"I should go upstairs now," I'm about to walk past Miles when he grabs my wrist, I slam into his chest. I place my palm on his chest, feeling his heart beat. J breathe in his intoxicating smell of his cologne.

"Don't leave," Miles growls.

Give me a reason not to, I wanted to say, but me psh, I'm not that brave. I stare up at Miles,"Why not?"

"I don't like how you were with Luke," Miles brows furrow.

"What, it was an honest mistake," I pull away from Miles grip.

"I don't care, I saw the way you looked at him, your faces were too close," Miles says angrily.

"Are you serious," I give Miles a deadpan look,"He was drunk."

"So what if he was drunk-"

I cut him off,"No, you're not my boyfriend, you don't get to get angry at me for something that was an accident." With that said, I walk upstairs, feeling myself.

I got myself into bed, cuddling next to my pillow, goodnight to me.

"Oh Madelyn, wake up," Someone sang. "Oh sweet Madelyn Sawyer, wakey maky , Wait that doesn't sound right." Someone shook me. "I said wake up bitch." I feel a pillow get slammed in my face.

"What the-" As soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted it because I was soon met by multiple pillows.

After the whole pillow parade, I opened my eyes to see Harper and Luke all around my bed.

"I feel like I've been in this same situation with you Harper, way to many times," I say emphasizing the 'way'.

"Good morning sunshine," Luke smiled and hopped next to me in my bed.

"Good morning Lukey," I say letting Luke wrap his arm around me.

"If you two lovebirds could stop with the cute nick names I would like to tell you the agenda of the day," Harper clapped her hands. Harper walks across my room back and forth, her hands behind her back as if she's having a dilemma with her mind.

"Aha!" Harper says making me jump. "For today, we are going clothing shopping at the mall, face mask when we get home, and finally..." Harper pauses,"We go partying tonight!"

"That is some very good planning," Luke smiles,"Hot girls all day long," Luke looks down at me and smirks. "Now sunshine I think you should brush out your hair it looks hideous."

"Your face looks hideous," I say standing up walking towards the bathroom with both Harper and Luke following.

"You better hurry up and brush your hair or else a bird might mistake it for it nest," Luke chuckles.

I turn around sending glares at Luke, I shut the door in his face. From the other side of the door I hear snickering, I roll my eyes.

I step out of the bathroom with my hair wet and the towel wrapped around my body. The closer I walked towards my bedroom the more I heard bickering. I open my door and stand there and smile as I see the two fighting over food.

The door creaks and they finally notice my presence. Luke's eyes go wide as Harper eyes stays the same, c'mon we've been friends since forever of course she's seen me in a towel.

"Sunshine let me just say, you look really sexy, I bet you'd look even better without the towel," Luke winks.

I feel my face go hot as I blushed. Harper looks between Luke and I, her eyes widen. "Out Luke!" Harper pushes Luke out.

"What! That's not fair! I'm a girl!" Luke cries out. "Hey Boo, you look tots hot today, oh my god is that cashmere," Luke says in a girly tone.

I laugh my head off as Harper drags Luke out of my room, slamming the door in his face.

"Finally that pest is gone," Harper sighs flopping on my bed.

"Hey! I'm not a pest, you are!" Luke yells from the other side of the door.




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