Motorcycle Headlights

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My heart shatters, my lungs stop working, my brain stops functioning. Everything in my body starts to become mush. Nothing works. I quickly hang up, running into my room. I shut my door and lock it. I fall to my knees, my body becomes limp. That feeling of happiness I had for a short amount of time was gone. I needed Miles now, more than ever.

I slowly stand up, seeing my puffed up eyes in the mirror, my snotty nose. You have to protect them. I have to let go what I love.

I creep into my bed, pulling the covers over my body. I quietly wept. I place my hand over my mouth to hold on the faint whispers-to hold in the screams.

I woke up, maybe I had dreamt it all. It wasn't a dream more like a nightmare, but it wasn't. I had to be sucked back into reality of things. I bite my lip staring at myself in my mirror, I'd really have to leave him.

I get ready for school, dressing in sweats and a sweatshirt; one that wasn't his. I need to let go as soon as I can. I know I won't ever be able to.

Quickly I apply light makeup to cover any sight of me looking like I had bawled five hours straight-maybe because you did? I walk downstairs quickly then get into my car.

Being in school didn't help, I didn't pay attention, my focus: Us.

How would I gather up the courage to tell him we'd end it? Maybe he won't care? I know he has girl falling at his knees for him, he can easily replace me. That thought made my stomach tighten. My phone vibrates on my desk, the screen lighting up.

Tonight's the night. Do it.

I start to lose all focus, my chests rises and falls, my palms sweat. The bell rings and I quickly grab all my things. I walk out to the parking lot, my name is being called I turn around and look back, Harper.

"Babe where ya going?" Harper cocks her head to the side.

"Finished all my homework early, thought I might leave and take a nap at home." I smile through this pain.

"We have been friends for how long, I know when you're upset. What the hell happened? Is it Miles? Oh that f-"

I cut her off, "No! Of course not. I'll call you later tonight I'll need your help moving my stuff." Just like that I walk away. Tonight I'd tell him, I'd leave while he's asleep; shitty move I know.

It surprises me how I'm not fighting this, but how can I fight them when my friends lives are on line.

Pulling up to the house, Miles motorcycle sits in the front. I sit in my car for a few seconds, trying to get my breathing back to normal. I wipe my sweaty palms on my sweats and walk into the house.

"Hi Miles I'm home!" I call out and I open the fridge to let the cool air hit me.

"Hey," Miles whispers into my ear and his arms wrap around my waist, "You're here early."

"Decided to skip," I turn myself so I can face him. My face is now inches away from his, his eyes flicker to my lips. My eyes do the same to his, how pink, plump, and good they taste.

"What a naughty girl," his voice goes husky.

Within seconds my legs are wrapped around his waist, I'm being pressed against the fridge, and my hands are running through his hair.

One more time, please.

Miles pulls away, he looks down at my body, staring at my sweatshirt,"You're not wearing one of mine?" His eyes flicker a hint of sadness. I hop of the kitchen counter, I bring my hand to my cheek. I kiss him with everything I got and I know he feels it too because he gives that same energy and passion back.

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