Out of the Womb with a Controller

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"Madelyn..."Luke stands in the doorway of my bedroom door.

I look up from my phone, I shut it off and push it to the side of me,"Hey Luke."

Luke sits on my bed, he looks down at his hands,"About yesterday-I can explain-"

I pull him into a hug, "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to explain anything. What you do with other people isn't my business."

Luke hugs back,"Thank you. But I don't know."

I pull back,"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if I'm," Luke leans in close to me, "Gay or Bi."

"It's okay, did you kiss him or did he kiss you," I ask.

"It was a mutual thing," Luke stands up and stretches. "I should get going I'm meeting up with him to talk about it."

"Alright, I'll be here if you need me." I sit back in my backboard.

Before Luke walks out he turns to me,"You won't say anything?"

I zip my lips shut and act like I throw away the key. Luke smiles and shuts the door.

After talking to Luke I walk downstairs in the living room to find Miles playing on his gaming console.

"No don't go in there!" Miles shouts through his headset.

I stand at the bottom of the stairs glaring at Miles,"Can you keep it down?"

"Hold on man," Miles turns off his mic. "Hey darling, come here." Miles holds out his hand and looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

I smile and walk to Miles, grabbing his extended hand. He brings me close to him making me straddle him as he plays his game. Resting my head in his shoulder I shut my eyes. Once in a while I feel his weight shift under me slightly waking me but I'd always end up hugging him.

"Do you want to play darling?" Miles ask slightly pushing me so he can look at me.

I kiss Miles cheek,"Sure but you'll have to teach me how."

I sit on Miles lap, facing the tv while Miles holds my hand in the controller. He moves my thumbs from place to place.

Miles moves under me to get up closer to the tv. "What are you doing?" I ask sad that he left.

"I'm grabbing another remote, I'll play against you," Miles sits next to me.

"You're so going down," I'm so going to beat him.

"What the hell Miles!" I yell. "Can you stop killing me!"

"C'mon I've given you how many chances," Miles chuckles.

"This isn't fair," I cross my arms. "You've been playing for how long? I bet you came out of the womb with a controller."

"Haha you know it," Miles winks.

The front door opens and I look over the couch to see Amanda with bags under her eyes.

"Hey," I greet Amanda.

"Hey Madelyn," Amanda looms over at Miles and lifts an eyebrow,"Miles."

"Hello my dear precious mom," Miles smiles.

Amanda walks over to us and flops on the couch next to us.

"How was work," I ask.

"Non-stop phone calls, people complaining, god." Amanda rubs her temples then groans. "Crap I have to babysit tomorrow."

My interest suddenly perks up,"Babysit?"


I smile,"I could babysit." I smack the back of Miles head,"Miles could help too."

"Um what?" Miles gives a confused look to me but all I can do is smile.

"Could you? That would be perfect." Amanda ask.

"Of course!" In my head I do a little happy dance knowing I'm helping Amanda and I get to spend time with kids. "How many kids and what are there ages?"

"Four kids, oldest is 12, next kid is 8, then 3, and last a few months old."

I turn to Miles and smile only to see the fear in his eyes.

I drag Miles down the stairs as I hear the doorbell ring. I couldn't contain my excitement while Miles wasn't looking forward to it at all. I let go of Miles hand and open the door.

A small lady with dark brown hair, large bags under her eyes gives a weary smile,"Are you Madelyn?"

"Yes! Come in." I open the door wider for everyone to come in.

"Thank you," The lady drags in the baby car seat and a big diaper bag. "I'm Jean by the way." Behind her emerges a boy slender and taller than Jean with the same dark brown hair. "This is my oldest, Cory." Two smaller children come from behind ,two girls, "Laine and Laura." I get down to their level and smile. "Lastly, Cal." I look over into the car seat and see a small sleeping baby.

After Jean explains feeding schedules and nap schedules she leaves in an instance.

"Hey guys, what should we start doing first?" I ask everyone.

"Where's my mommy?" Laura ask, I see the tears fill her eyes.

Oh great.

"Miles can you grab me a diaper and wipes!" I yell across the room.

"One sec!" Miles comes running into the room with the three other kids behind shooting Nerf gun bullets at him. I watch Miles quickly pull out a diaper and wipes with the diaper hitting my face. I glare at Miles while he sits back and smiles.

"Play some more!" Laine whines.

"Just let me catch my breath," Miles pants.

As I change Cal I look up at Miles,"Can't handle some kids?"

Miles rolls his eyes," You try do what I do."

"Whatever," I toss Miles the wrapped up dirty diaper. "Can you throw it away."

"Ew!" Miles squeals and tosses it at Cory. With that Cory screams and it goes around like hop potato throughout the group until it makes its way back to me.

I roll my eyes, throwing away the dirty diaper, then grab the bottle of milk for Cal. When I go back into the living room Miles, and all the other kids were gone. Oh please don't tell me I lost one big baby and three other kids.

Rushing around the main floor with Cal still in my hands I hear laughing from outside. I open the patio door and sit down on the chair and watch as Miles tosses around a football with them.

I smile as I see all three of them tackle him to the ground, they all laugh. Miles eyes meet mine and i can't help but melt on the inside.

I look down at the baby in my hands and back at Miles, he'd be a good dad.

Miles jogs up to me and kisses my forehead,"Mind if I hold him?"

"Yeah here," I gently place Cal into Miles arms.

"He's so light, I could throw him." Miles says sitting down.

"Well don't try to," I laugh sitting next to him.

I watch Miles nuzzle Cal, absolute heart melt.

"You'll be a great dad," I tell Miles.

"You'll be a great mom...." Miles kisses my cheek. "For my kids."


A/N: Hey guys I'd like your opinion on which book I should do this summer:

Would you guys like a friendship book(there's not much romance) or another romance book? Let me know in my comments or messages <3

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