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"Skyler why can't you be more like your sister!" My mom shouts at me.

"Why is it always about Ariana? Why can't everyone stop comparing me to her? maybe I don't want to be like her!" I respond. "I just can't believe you, your bad but never this bad, going out with your friends in the middle of the night and vandalising your school and then getting arrested? How can someone be so stupid!"

Well that hurt.

"I'm sorry I'm not as smart or perfect as your precious Ariana mom!" I shout, my rage controlling me.

"Go to your room so your father and I can decide your punishment." she orders.

I left the room but didn't go to my bedroom instead I decided to eavesdrop. Yes, yes I know eavesdropping is wrong but if you were in my position would you do the same?

"Why is she so difficult?" My father asked my mother as I listened outside the closed door. "I don't know but it's getting ridiculous she needs a major attitude change." my mother concluded. Their voices grew quiet, so for the next half an hour, I could only hear mumbles.

I heard footsteps so I made a break for my bedroom upstairs. Once I got in my room I locked my bedroom door and fell to the floor.

Why can't you be more like your sister? The words replayed in my mind over and over hurting me more each time I heard them. Why can't I be more like Ariana? What even is the point of me being here? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked but I knew it was my mom or dad. "Its your father." a male voice said from behind the door. "What do you want?" I said sounding bratty. "I want to talk." he didn't sound mad. "Kay." I said and stood up and unlocked the door.

He stepped inside and closed the door. I sat down on my bed and he did the same shortly after me. "You know your mother and I are very disappointed in you." He spoke in a serious tone. "And we want to make sure you don't do it again and have a good attitude so you are going to live with Ariana in L.A. for a while" he finished. "Wait what!" I panicked.

"We have called Ariana and she agrees, its a good idea seeing as how you haven't spent time together in over 2 years." he stated. "This isn't fair what about school and my friends and-and." I ran out of things to say, the truth is there wasn't much keeping me here.

Sure I had friends but not many true friends. I had about two real friends Zoe and Matthew and I didn't want to leave them. "We have sorted out everything and you can come back when you have had an attitude change." he tried reasoning with me. "Fine." I said bluntly. I know I was giving up far too quick but I wasn't going to win.

"You better get to sleep it's 2a.m. in the morning and you have to get packing tomorrow." and with that he left and I was alone with my thoughts once again.

Its okay you're going to have fun with Ariana after all, she is your sister and you will have so much fun. I tried convincing myself but I knew she wasn't going to be happy with me.

I changed out of my grey crop top and black high wasted jeans and put on some pyjama shorts and a baggy old tee. I looked at myself in the mirror and remembered the things everyone calls me "fat" "ugly" "stupid" "retard" "slut" "whore". I held back the tears as I do all the time.

I looked over at my bedside table and saw my phone there. I picked it up a dialed Matthew's phone number.

I felt horrible about leaving him for god only knows how long. He was always there for me through everything. Everything I couldn't talk about to anyone else but him. He tried to keep me away from the bad crowd I was getting into but I didn't listen. I pressed call and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He asked sleepily and I forgot it was about 2:30 a.m. "Matthew?" I asked even though I knew it was him. "Sk-Sky are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Yes, I- actually not really we need to talk in person though and not at 2:30 I forgot you would be asleep. Can we meet up at the park tomorrow at about 11:00 a.m.?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah sure." he agreed. "But Sky whatever it is promise me you'll stay strong tonight." he said sounding a bit scared. "Matt don't worry I'll stay strong just for you." I promised. "You should go back to sleep sorry I woke you." I apologised. "It's fine, goodnight." he said and hung up. I decided to go to sleep after all I have a big day tomorrow. Good luck,you'll need it. I thought and fell asleep.

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