Chapter 38

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"Okay, handle the issues now and I don't want to hear any excuses. Do you hear me?!" Li Na looked at how infuriated  Yu Lin was as she talked on the phone. 

It looked like Gu Shen, an artist under her was photographed holding a woman when coming out from his apartment.

The first time Li Na saw him was when he was recording music, with his rebellious and wild image, it wasn't strange for him to be popular among teenagers. His unique vocal styling also able to made the listener feel the rushed inside their heart.

As an artist, he truly had great potential but his casual affairs made Yu Lin and Li Na feel a wave of the headache coming frequently. 

Currently, they had to suppress the picture from leaking in media and publish an article to clarify that the person in the picture is not Gu Shen.

From the talk among her colleague, Li Na understands that at the beginning of his career, Gu Shen was not like this but since having high fame and rich, he started to philandering around.

Although he kept them busy to deal with the aftermath of his actions, Star Entertainment still accommodate him since he has exceptional talent that worth cultivating.

"Busy today?" Li Na looked up from her computer and see Cang Fu stand in front of her.

"Yeah" She sighed.

"Let me guess. It's about Gu Shen again, right?" Cang Fu sat beside her.

"Who else except him. I couldn't understand how he can keep playing around although been captured in action repeatedly" Li Na groaned. 

Cang Fu laughed. "Just be patient with that trouble maker. If you need any help, you can ask me, okay?" 

Li Na nodded, "Thanks, Chang Ge" Since started working at the company, Cang Fu always look out for her so she felt grateful to him. 

Feared that he may misunderstand her, Li Na had once asked him the reason why he approached her. Thank God he explained that he thought of her like a little sister he never had. This makes her vigilant lower and became more comfortable to interact with him.

After Cang Fu returns back to his desk across her, Li Na focused back into creating a promotion plan for Yu Lin another artist. 

Having to work under Yu Lin, Li Na had learned many things necessary to manage an artist and she felt spirited with the newly gained knowledge. Her enthusiasm had made Yu Lin trusted her with heavy tasks such as negotiating contracts and manage payment.

Li Na looked at the watch on her wrist and then started to arrange her desk before leaving the workplace. Tonight is the Shen Grandfather's birthday anniversary so she had to prepare herself for the occasion. 

Li Na looked around the office, searching for Yu Lin to tell her that she is leaving but it seems that she had already left to the recording studio. Since stated in her employment contract that she didn't have to ask for permission whenever she wants to leave early, Li Na grabbed her bag and exit the office.

Oblivious to her surrounding, behind her back, she didn't see a few sharp unsatisfactory gazes were directed to her.


Sorry for the late update! I will try to speed up so please don't hate me (つд⊂)

You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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