Chapter 78

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Fast forward. Li Na watched Shen Yun Tian keeps on stay by the other Li Na's side, showing his presence and protect her from her plastic friend that keeps on asking for benefit. For him, its an act of love but in her eyes, he was declaring his sovereignty and isolating her from the social cycle so she would pushed him and yelling at him to stay away.

Shen Yun Tian didn't know how to coax a girl but hearing the conversation from his secretary that his girlfriend will be happy whenever he gave her a limited edition bag, he decided to take a note on it. Each gifts were carefully selected and only the best were chosen before he gave it to her.

Shen Yun Tian came to Li Na's house and amiably chat with her parents. During their conversation, her parent face are pale and their eyes are avoiding from directly looking at him. Shen Yun Tian is not a fool and he know that they are afraid of him. 

Its not unusual for people to avoid him especially when he is working but looking at how people he perceive as family being intimidated by him made him helpless. He stopped the chat and ask for permission to meet Li Na and her parent quickly nodded so he can stay away from them.

Holding all the gifts in his hand, Shen Yun Tian excitedly walked upstairs, cant wait to see her smile when she received his gift. But when the gift was presented, the other Li Na's eyes growing cold and disgust. She refused the sets of diamond and limited edition clothes, throw it on his face and hit his chest hysterically. What a good way to insult her! 

"Why are you upset? Is there anything that  I can do to make you happy". He ignored all the clothes and diamond scattered on the floor and hugged her to make her calm down.

But his touch only made her became more furiously and she put all effort to pushing him away so she can escape from his touch. But no matter how hard she tried, her meager strength cant beat him away. This weakness made her eyes unconsciously leaked a tear.

She raised her red eyes from his arm and looked at him, "Do you want to know what I want? What I want is freedom. I have a lover and I will never love a man like you. You are so disgusting that I want to puke each time I see you. So don't touch me. Don't appear in in front of me. Just stay away. I hate you!" She screamed at the top of lung while keep on pushing him away.

Shen Yun Tian felt a dull pain in his heart and to stop her from saying more hurtful words, he decisively sealed her mouth using his lips. Li Na tried to run but he locked her head with his palm and deepened the kiss so she can have no point of escape. Feeling his tongue squirming in her mouth made her felt nauseous so she fiercely bite him. 

This is their first kiss, but there are no love full of tenderness, only bitter blood and tears were  tasted accompanied with a smack of pain on his cheek but Shen Yun Tian doesn't let her go until her strength slowly drained.

Before her legs weakened, Shen Yun Tian pulled her up and brings her face close to him. His finger pinched her chin and his cold eyes sharply focused at her. Slowly he opened his mouth, "Remember this. No matter how you hate me, I will never leave you". 

This is the first time the other Li Na saw Shen Yun Tian's face without any warmth and despair and coldness slowly enveloped her body.

The time fast forward again. Realizing that all his smile and effort to make her fall in love with him is worthless, Shen Yun Tian shed all the warmth in his eyes and occupied her life. Without her consent, each time she return from school, he would come and give her a ride home. 

Whenever she refused, he would take her forcefully and things would end up unsightly where she would return to her room with face full of tears and lips bitten wildly.

She tried to push her parents in helping her but her plead was ignored. Her parents are wanted to help her and ready to be poor or bankrupt with a means to protect her but if they did that, thousand of their employee lives will be affected. So they shamefully bow their head and asked the other Li Na to bear so slowly the light in her eyes dimmed and she obey to anything he told her to do.

At that time when she was most hopeless, without Shen Yun Tian knowledge, one of her  male classmate approached her with concern and worry shown on his face.

Seeing how someone taking care of her made the other Li Na felt warm and she confide her problems to him without reserved and he became her support at the time she felt sadness. Their friendship slowly evolve to love and the other Li Na totally depend on him.


Im back Im back Im back..........And sorry for long hiatus T_T

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Love you \(^v^)/

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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