Chapter 13

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What is the best way to hurt someone? Without injury and wound but they would sense intense pain prickle their heart deeply. Until that someone would wish to be physically hurt rather than the emotional one. Li Na smiles. She knows the best way to torture Fei Fei.

"What!"Fei Fei screams. Her eyes widened open, staring at Li Na.

"N-No... You lie right? Its impossible for you to be with him" Her voice is shaking in disbelief. As the truth slowly sinks in, her face becomes whitely pale.

"Why you said that?" A frown emerges on Li Na's face. She shows a hurtful emotion due to Fei Fei's disbelieve behaviors. Her eyes wrongfully stared at Fei Fei.

It would be usual for someone would show a drop of tears whenever they were feeling wronged but since Li Na is initially an unreasonable person, crying would only make her looks strange. So she continually looks at Fei Fei in an attempt to control her hateful feeling toward her.

"B-Because you hate him. Like really hate him to the bone. You don't even want to breathe the same air as him". Fei Fei moves her hand up and down in exaggeration to show how Li Na used to loath Shen Yun Tian.

"But, its all in the past. Now I want to be with him". Never once she tries to avoid eye contact with Fei Fei. She wants to see how her words would affecting all of Fei Fei's emotion.

"Tell me the truth. Something must have happened. Did he hurt you?" Fei Fei tries to deny and find the excuses for Li Na's words.

Something flickered in Li Na's mind. She knows a thing that can be used to further hurt Fei Fei's heart. What is Fei Fei most loved thing? Yes. It's Shen Yun Tian.

"Actually.... something had happened". Li Na says softly as the blush continue spreading on her cheek.

"What? Tell me if he dares to do anything. Any injury left on your body can be used to sue him". Fei Fei looks at Li Na up and down. Her face does look really concerns and worried while trying to search for any trace of abuse.

Li Na can't help but thought how a very good actor Fei Fei is. She is impressed. Not everyone can pretend to love something their hate. If she doesn't know Fei Fei's true feeling, she would believe that Fei Fei does treat her as her best friend.

"We did it..." Li Na's face red in embarrassment. She hides her half face with her palm to cover her shy appearance.

"D-Did what?" Fei Fei asks in confusion. As she ponders into Li Na's words and the truth becomes clears in her mind, Fei Fei shakes her head left and right.

"Do you and him really did that? That thing. Really?" Fei Fei lost her words as they jumbling up together.

Li Na nodded shyly. "Yeah". She can see how Fei Fei's face turn pale and Li Na smirks. A triumph smiles can be seen if she put down her palm but the confused Fei Fei doesn't realize that.

"Did he force you? Tell me what that cruel man did. Don't be scared. I will help you" Still, Fei Fei refused to believe. Her words only make Li Na getting cold. She didn't like how Fei Fei continues to put in a bad word for Shen Yun Tian.

"No. It's me. I am the one that wants Mr. Shen" Li Na decides to force the truth she made up onto Fei Fei's face. Although its a lie, soon or later its going to be true. So it doesn't matter to use it now.

"How did it happened?" As if her soul already disappeared due to the tension, Fei Fei asks weakly.

"That night, like being woken up, suddenly I realize how beautiful and sexy Mr. Shen was. Then its just happened" Li Na said with excitement written all over her face. She wants to show how happy she is when thinking about Shen Yun Tian.

"I still can feel his hot skin all over my body. His enchanting smile and seducing voice really make me scream in pleasure. Mr. Shen keeps telling me over and over again how he loves me. Fei Fei, I can't believe that bewitching man is mine".

Aura of happiness emitted from Li Na is true. She does happy when talking about Shen Yun Tian. She didn't need to pretend being excited since it is her true feeling.

Although flaunting her relationship with Shen Yun Tian is necessary to hurt Fei Fei, Li Na also wants to make sure Fei Fei registers the truth that Shen Yun Tian is her husband and any pest around him need to be shooed away.

"B-But how about Ru Feng? He still waits for you". Fei Fei tried to erase Li Na smiles by mentioning Ru Feng's name. Except Li Na had prepared for her move.

"I am sorry for Ru Feng, but I am already Mr. Shen wife. Not only in name but my whole being is his wife" Li Na's expression becomes serious.

"Fei Fei, since you are 'my best friend', please tell him that I am sorry and ask him to find someone that can be with him. Someone that would not betray him over and over again, like me".

There is no arrogant attitude like her usual act but only a humble stance can be seen. Li Na intends in using Fei Fei to convey her words to Ru Feng since she did not want to meet him.

Seeing this kind of Li Na makes Fei Fei flustered. "What is wrong with you? You are someone that arrogant, ...selfish and conceited. Why suddenly...?" She has no word to describe the current Li Na.

"Its just I want a good start with Mr. Shen". Li Na smiles sweetly when mentioning her husband again.

All of the conversations makes Fei Fei become confused. She didn't want to stay and hear more about Li Na and Shen Yun Tian's deep relationship. She needs to leave.

"Li Na, I got errand to do. I got to go now". She tries to stand up but her wobbling feet makes her fall onto the bed.

"Are you okay?" Li Na asks. Even though the word utter in concern manner, her face doesn't look worried at all.

Its makes Fei Fei getting scared. In her mind, although Li Na is an arrogant and selfish person, she didn't hide her thought at all. But now, its look like there is a mist covered her expression. Fei Fei didn't know her like she thought she is.

"I am fine. Goodbye". Fei Fei hurriedly takes her handbag and leave.

Li Na releases a deep sigh. Its really tiring to control your emotion. She stretches her body a bit to feel more comfortable.

Remember her performance before, Li Na feels so proud of herself. Fei Fei's expression was really peerless. After laughing a few minutes, Li Na stops. Actually, it doesn't feel good at all.

She thought that watching Fei Fei being hurt would satisfy her heart after being humiliated in her past life. But its just left a distasteful feeling in her heart.

She didn't know why she didn't feel happy but Li Na decided to think about it later. There is another thing that she needs to do first.

"Hwang Ma". Li Na goes down and calls for Hwang Ma. She needs her help.

"Yes, Young Madam" Hwang Ma comes from the kitchen as soon she heard Li Na's calling.

"Please ask workers to move my things to Mr. Shen's room" Li Na's eyes is twinking in happiness ask she imagine Mr. Shen's expression when seeing her permanent residence in his room.

"Young Madam decides to move into Mr. Shen's room?" Hwang Ma asks in confirmation. Receiving Li Na's verification makes her smiles in happiness.

This is how a married couple supposed to live. This change not only meaning sharing bedroom but indicates sharing personal space and life.

"Yes, Young Madam. I will make sure to move them immediately". Hwang Ma excitedly calls a few workers and instructed them as per Li Na's orders.

The moving doesn't take a long time but it still tiring Li Na's body. She had to move some of the furniture around and redesign a little bit of Mr. Shen's room. No. Now, it's their room.

Of course, she didn't lift a finger during the moving process but it still takes a toll on her body since she is not used to move a lot.

As she lying there on the bed to rest, without realize, she is getting sleepy and fall into slumber.

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