Chapter 28

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Li Na came out from the elevator and enter the top floor of the company which is the only place reserved for the highest position in the company, the CEO of Shen Group, Shen Yun Tian's office.

The strained atmosphere of the floor made Li Na unconsciously crunched her body as she stiffly walked to the secretary's desk.

"Hello, may I see Mr. Shen?" Li Na was uncomfortable with the secretary's gaze on her body. She can sense that she was being evaluated with how the secretary's eyes move up and down. 

She thought that her current attire gives an impression of being fresh and young but now she feels that this is the wrong choice, looking at how most of the people either being elegant and professional.

Meanwhile, the secretary in front of her wears a sexy outfit that one can see how deep the valley between those two big mountains. 

Li Na doesn't know why but to see how transparent the dress until she can discern the color and outline of the secretary's bra resulting from feeling awkward to become irritated.

"Do you had made an appointment?" The secretary carelessly asked without looking at Li Na's face as she resumes her work on the table, giving Li Na's impression that her presence is insignificant.

The secretary had always shooed all of Shen Yun Tian's admires so as usual, she thought that Li Na is one of those petty girls that came before to meet Shen Yun Tian. 

Li Na clenched her teeth, "I don't have to make the appointment since I am Mr. Shen's wife". The secretary's attitude had made her mood become bad so in the spur of the moment, she announced that she is Shen Yun Tian's wife.

She thought that once she revealed her identity the secretary will become respectful to her but unfortunately not. The secretary continue clicking her board and said, "Which wife? Before this first, second, third... and n wife already came" shrugging off Li Na's proclaim.

"I am his legal wife. Let me in" Li Na still tried to control her temper and nicely speak to the secretary.

The secretary slowly released an annoyed sigh and stand up, "Listen this Miss...whatever, at least the woman that came before to see Mr. Shen Yun Tian were beautiful and gorgeous, so please look at the mirror first before try to meet him"

The mocking look in the secretary's eyes made Li Na felt humiliated. She knew that she is not beautiful or having a unique aura that attractive to onlookers but to yell it in front of her face is so insulting that her face becomes red-faced in anger.

But before she opened her mouth to argue, the secretary cut her off, "Do I need to show you the way out?" The secretary's sarcastically raised her hand to the exit direction.

With her red eyes stared sharply at the secretary, Li Na brought out a telephone from her bag and dialed Shen Yun Tian's number. 

Heard the call connected, Li Na said, "I am here, outside your office" 

She heard the sound of the door clicked, so Li Na cut off the telephone line. Shen Yun Tian's figure emerged out.

He rushedly came to Li Na's side and held her in his strong arm, "You come?" He deeply sniffed Li Na's scent. Li Na can feel Shen Yun Tian's heartbeat through the cloth between them. 

When the secretary saw the incoming Shen Yun Tian, she stood up stiffly in shock. Her mouth widely gaped to see Shen Yun Tian's action that voluntary touching a woman. She had never seen any person that able stay closely with him.

"Mr. Shen?!!!" A surprised gasp leaked out from her blinding red lips.


Hello dear! Sorry for the lately slow update. I will try to be more active and writing fastly so please stay with me and enjoy the story. Forgive this lowly author T_T

You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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