Chapter 62

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"Let me go!" Despite being surrounded, Fei Fei rushed to the exit, trying to escape. However, knowing what she had in mind, one of the men effortlessly brought her back to the chair.

"What are you doing?! Let go!" Another man took out a rope and tied her back to the chair in the center of the room.

"You're all crazy! Don't you know who I am? You better let me go this instant." She screamed. The man replied by tightening her rope, She winced. "You're all going to regret this" but those bulky men ignored her.

Being ignored only made Fei Fei more furious, she shrieked. "Anyone here? Somebody help me"

"Why are you detaining me? Is this a kidnapping? Listen I'm rich, I can pay you double. All you gotta do is let me go! "

"Sh*t, Untie me this instant! Or I swear: all of you, and your bosses, are going to be in debt for the rest of your pitiful lives!" she screamed so loud you could almost hear her outside of the room.

Her vocal cords coughed painfully in protest. While coughing badly, a man that she assumed to be their leader came towards her.

"It's no use calling for help. The reason you're here is your own fault. It'd be better to save your energy, or that mouth of yours will be shut." Without a single trace of sympathy, he walked to his original place expressionlessly.

Fei Fei sat there silently, racking her brain for all the most recent scandals she had started, after drawing a conclusion, she found her points conclude to Li Na.

She took a sharp breath and bit her bottom lip in frustration. She clenched her hand tightly in anger. Li Na this, Li Na that, it's always Li Na! No matter what she does, everyone will just flock around her as if she's an angel incapable of sin.

The intense anger that she had buried long ago ignited heavily.

The relationship between Fei Fei and Li Na had started from middle school and continued up until now and it seemed as if they were close enough to be called siblings.

'Heh' Fei Fei scuffs. How in the world were they close enough to be siblings? They weren't even friends. She remembered how their "good friendship″ had been only a tool for Li Na, to create her 'good person' persona, gaining all the love and attention from those around her.

Fei Fei was a poor child, that fact was something she wanted to keep hidden, from her peers and especially from her best friend, Li Na. Because she didn't want Li Na to pity her, she didn't want to seem below her best friend. She wanted to be seen as her equal, someone who was worthy of being her best friend. She worked really hard to win her scholarship but when the last summer of high school came, she was invited to join a sponsorship party to meet the one who funded her scholarship, at that moment she knew the reality of their relationship.

Li Na's family actually sponsored her studies and was instigated by Li Na herself. Actually from the start, she had long known that Fei Fei was a poor person. That day Fei Fei broke down so hard, laughed really hard while she was crying, she realized that everything she had worked for; to cover her poverty, to work hard in her studies, to strive for their friendship! had all been a ploy to Li Na, a joke.

Because the principals and all the gossiping teachers had participated in the party, the next day at school, everyone in school already knew that Fei Fei was an unfortunate child that was graced by the holy goddess, Li Na.

Whenever Fei Fei wanted to buy anything, before she took out her wallet, Li Na would have already taken out hers, and when Fei Fei looked at her, Li Na put on a satisfying smile on her face. No matter how many times Fei Fei tried to refuse her, Li Na would always hold up her hand and continue to pay for her.

Fei Fei couldn't remember Li Na's kind face whenever she paid for her. In her memory, that face was full of mockery and ridicule. With a silver spoon in her mouth and a princess dress weld into her skin, did she think that she was a fairy godmother? Spreading kindness to those who needed it? Is that what Fei Fei was? A charity cause?

As her kindness spread (even without a good brain), her selfishness and arrogance became prominent to Fei Fei, Li Na even became the teacher's favorite. Any mistake she made was pardoned and erased by her strong background, her life trajectory ran silky smooth, without even the slightest bump.

Fei Fei utterly despised her. This hatred was down to her core. The only time she felt happiness was whenever Li Na faced bitterness. That's why when Li Na was forced into marriage, she had felt a surge of pleasure, but the feeling only lasted till her "friend's" wedding day, the moment she saw Li Na's husband.

As a woman with taste, she could differentiate the qualities of a man, if she compared Ru Feng and Shen Yun Tian, Ru Feng would be tasteless batter while Shen Yun Tian, on the other hand, would be a delicious wedding cake. Why were all the good things reserved for Li Na? Why her!

Actually she knew why the world revolves around Li Na. What Li Na has and Fei Fei couldn't possess, A rich family. Nothing about her (except her background) was worth mentioning. That's why, despite her stupidity and her subpar appearance, she has the attention of every surrounding character. All the things that Fei Fei could only wish for, fell into Li Na's arms without her even moving a muscle.

That's why she wants to fill those arrogant eyes with despair and misery. With all the deceptive whispers she plagued into Li Na's mind, Fei Fei had her fingers. But, things started to go disarray when Li Na started to slip from her grasp. How dare she just end their long term relationship, with just a sentence? She even had the audacity to block all contact with her! What a shameless hussy!


Q_Q I am back..... so sorry for the hiatus ... I will try better next time.....

You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Love you \(^v^)/

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